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Към предприемачество и инициативност
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the introduction to the manual „Building Entrepreneurial Mindsets and Skills in the EU“, Antonio Tajani-Vice-President of the European Commission and its members Johannes Hahn and Laszlo Andor state that, „There is growing evidence of the positive impact of entrepreneurship education. Young people going through these programmes will develop more entrepreneurial attitudes, get a job earlier after finishing their studies and start more companies, thereby creating more jobs.“ In this aspect the aims of the project „To Entrepreneurship and Resourcefulness“ are in accordance with The Common Stratergy of the EU „Europe 2020“. Through its realisation we in cooperation with our German partner F+U Sachsen gGmbH aim at mastering one of the eight key competences of The European Reference Framework, namely „the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship“, to meet the European Educational Standards in entrepreneurial training of our students. In Zemedelska Profesionalna Gimnazia(ZPG) for years we have applied programs like Students Company and Students Training Company and the initiatives of Junior Achievement Bulgaria on entrepreneurship. The project will enable young people to enhance their understanding of economics, the ways and processes of setting up a firm. Their participation in the educational mobility will form and develop such skills as creative thinking, determination, risk evaluation and responsibility. This will facilitate the process of realization their ideas into actions and the development of general competences which can be applied to all aspects of life. One of the project aims is to share experiences about the practical features in applying dual system of professional training and its relevance to Bulgarian conditions which is one of the motives to choose this partner. After a well-defined and objective procedure 45 students will take part in this educational mobility. The target group consists of trainees from profession ‘Economist’, specialty ‘Agricultural Economics’, who will be divided in 3 streams. Each of them will consist of 15 students at the age 16-18. The project will facilitate their access to quality education through involvement of European Economic Standards and study of German business environment features. Placing the students in a real multicultural foreign language business environment will develop their creative and aesthetic sense, team-work skills, cultural behaviour and business ethics. Smooth and trouble-free project implementation will be provided through following activities: Activity №1 will include project organization, coordination and management. The project team will take the responsibility of carrying out working meetings and document provision throughout the project. A survey will be carried out to choose the best offer for a safe trip to Germany. Managers of partner organizations will control and monitor each stage of the project plan to organise the educational mobility, which is included in the detailed joint work program. They will be responsible for dissemination of the project results. Activity №2 will be selection and preparation of students-participants in the educational mobility. The selection will be fair, responsible and transparent. There will be preliminary courses in pedagogical, cultural awareness and language preparation. Activity №3 is the realization of the mobility in F+U Sachsen gGmbH in Saxony consisting of six hours daily (three in the morning and three in the afternoon). According to the drawn-up program of the receiving organization, training workshops in the field of economics will be carried out. The entrepreneurial skills will be set up and improved through business management simulations. Using team work the trainees will have the opportunity to generate their own business idea, to set up their own business, taking into consideration the European criteria for classification of SME, to build up a marketing strategy, to estimate the startup costs and the expected benefits. The mobility will end with carrying out “Dreams Day” following the idea of the DREAM programme, which will demonstrate the acquired skills and knowledge. The project impact on its participants is expressed in increasing their professional suitability also learning how to think and act in an interdisciplinary way in organising and controlling their business. They will increase their competitiveness and their chance for successful realisation on the labour market which are in accordance with the requirements of the strategy “Learning by Doing”. The potential long-term benefits from realisation of the project „To Entrepreneurship and Resourcefulness“ are expressed in motivating of students and teachers from ZPG to participate in future educational mobilities to achieve professional enrichment and development. The project will form a sense of belonging to Europe, support professional integration and guarantee competitiveness.
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