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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of „Keys to Success“ project is to develop the key capabilities of teachers and pupils, which are necessary for their self-realisation and success in life. We submit the project, which gives a way to realize the positive change through education of teachers in foreign countries. We want to support the development of capabilities of teachers to improve the results of schoolings process. Our teachers will take part at the education in abroad. This education has the mode of controlled schoolings process. The similar organisations are schooling institutions in abroad – in Italy, Croatia, England and Austria. Five teachers take part at the schooling. They are as follows: Schoolmaster, Special Education Instructor, Classmaster, English Language Teacher, German Language Teacher. The knowledge gained will be shared with their colleagues to proliferate new ideas at school. The meaning of mobility of this process dwells in international character of knowledge. The Schoolmaster will be trained as a project manager. He or she will gain the knowledge necessary for international projects management. The Classmaster will be trained in modern management of educating of pupils in the classroom. He will gain the capacities needed for the activity of effective classroom teacher. Special Education Instructor will be trained in the field of special needs for children. He or she will gain the knowledge necessary for collaboration with integrated children. English Language Teacher will be trained in training of methodology of English language. He or she will gain the knowledge necessary for effective teaching of English language. German Language Teacher will be trained in training for teachers of German language. He or she will gain the knowledge necessary for effective teaching of German language.Knowledge gained by the teachers will improve the educational process at school. After the return to school the new methods will be applied in their work and given away to the rest of the colleagues through internal system of trainings. There will be edited the methodology guide, presentations and working letters for the pupils. All mentioned above aims to give the Keys to Success in life to our teachers and pupils. By introducing of innovative methods of teaching the higher level of behaviour-educational results will be reached. The quality level of collaboration with pupils with special means will be higher through which the new ways of education and progress will be created. School will be prepared to realize the international projects. Higher quality of education, school management and capacity to work in international team, will improve educational service and positive image of the school.Thanks to such a development, quality and internationalization the Primary school of Pavol Križko in Kremnica will become more modern and more internationally open. Going through and finishing the realisation the „Keys to Success“ project the European plan of school development will reach its true shape.

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