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KlimaClima - International encounters and multimedia competition on climate change, renewable energy South-North development issues
Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

About one year ago, one did not have to look around for long to be confronted with climate change and energy issues. However, these days, the economic crisis tends to push away climate change, energy and poverty issues from the global agenda. Many things are still demanded and postulated but it does not mean that we and the younger generation are (and keep being) well informed about the topic. The project KlimaClima's objective is therefore to make use of new media to sensitize and empower young people in six countries for climate change issues and renewable energy by launching a virtual competition and festival which are organized and backed up by two international encounters in Chile and Germany with 12 participating youths from Germany, Italy, Greece, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Chile. The project will assess media products made by youths from all participating còy§|tries and will award the winners during a two-day virtual festival and an awarding event.The youths will then disseminate those multimedia products, their ideas, information, and messages throughout Europe and worldwide by using guerrilla marketing strategies which allow a low-budget but highly effective impact on target groups. The project will initiate an intercultural learning process on issues which are relevant not only European but world wide and which will be of crucial importance4in the near future and thus an important area for youths to take action. Youth will set a base for making the complexity of the interrelation of the issues climate, energy and poverty accessible and understandable for all their fellows around Europe and Latin America by addressing them with their media instruments and by breaking down the difficult issues to pragmatic messages. They claim their right to active citizenship and ownership to shape their future. They also claim their rights and opportunities to disseminate their questions, their symbols, metaphors in the regional and global communication channels and ultimately reach up to 100.000 young people (mainly the internet generation).Besides a project's website and a video portal for the multimedia competition, a project DVD be produced and contains the awarded audiovisual projects with subtitles in all the project's languages.
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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants