European Projects
Κοινωνική Eπιχειρηματικότητα - Μεταφορά εννοιών, ..
Κοινωνική Eπιχειρηματικότητα - Μεταφορά εννοιών, εμπειριών, δεξιοτήτων και εργαλείων κατάρτισης για το ξεκίνημα μιας κοινωνικής επιχείρησης.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
The objective of the proposal is to contribute to the training 14 Teachers of the 6th vocational lyceum of Athens in innovative teaching methods for the development of entrepreneurship and especially the social entrepreneurship.
The ultimate goal is to organize activities for the participants, in good practices with innovative tools on entrepreneurship education, in order to develop to the students a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship that will help them for startup up companies with special orientation to social enterprises.
The institution of Social Entrepreneurship is a relatively new form of entrepreneurship that operates in several countries, between private businesses and public sector companies, as a third choice, aiming to the production of services related to the community (environment, culture, traditional products, local development, vulnerable groups, etc.).
The European Parliament resolution of 20th November of 2012 calling upon Member States Stresses the need to support social enterprises through sufficient financial means at local, regional, national and EU level, and points to the relevant funds under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (such as European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the Programme for Social Change and Innovation, the Programme for Research and Innovation, as well as Horizon 2020); explicitly asks support for innovative social enterprises, in particular those promoting quality employment, combating poverty and social exclusion and investing in education, training and life-long learning;
The Council of EU Ministers of Education (December 12, 2014), devoted to the question of "Entrepreneurship in Education" and also decided, to investigate the use of the program «Entrepreneurship360» as a support tool for schools and vocational education and training structures.
In most of European countries, the secondary schools have incorporated entrepreneurship in compulsory subjects such as economics and social sciences.
In Greece, in schools of VET there is no similar activity that encouraging entrepreneurship, even though almost all higher educational institutions run programs for entrepreneurship.
It is obvious that the Technical and Vocational educators of the European Union are called to play an important part in these programs and the need to acquire essential qualifications is demanding, in order for them to be able to respond to their new duties and to be able to apply new methods and pedagogical strategies, so as to increase the motivation of their students and to grow the spirit of entrepreneurship in to the Vocational Education and Training.
In the host organization, the participating educators will be trained in order to transfer their experience, in the innovative teaching methods for the development of social entrepreneurship and self employment, through the use of virtual enterprises at school, applied in the educational system of Italy, to Greece.
The mobility program will be realized at the beginning of July 2016 in the premises of the Italian Central Office which is based at the Institute of Don Calabria Ferrara, began its activities in October 1994 with the support of the Emilia Romagna, the first Italian region to have experienced the methodology of simulazione. ΄΄SIMULIMPRESA΄΄ is a training project which aims the skills of people in administration, tourism and industry in the area using the simulation methodology.