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Kerékpárutak határok nélkül - tanulmányok és tervek / Cyklotrasy bez hraníc - štúdie a plány (Kerékpárutak határok nélkül / Cyklotrasy bez hraníc)
Start date: Nov 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "goal" of the project is to increase cross-border accessibility and improve communication, across the Slovak-Hungarian border communities. Specific Project Objectives:- - Feasibility Study - Geological Surveys - Architectural & Civil Engineering Plans and Documentation for Planning Permission Leading to the subsequent construction of 250km of Cycle Paths through the Slovak-Hungarian border regions - To have initial and on-going input into the studies and plans for the Cycle Paths, to ensure the tracks connect communities in the border region (SK & HU) - To influence the design and definition of the Cycle Paths - their routes, their build, length and locationThere shall be five (5) communities (Micro-Regions) from the Slovak-Hungarian border region involved in the project (4 in Slovakia: Microregions Medzičilizie, Klátovské rameno, Dunajská Magistrála and Microregion Warkun and 1 in Hungary: Municipality Vámosszabadi). These locations share similar natural environments, culture, tradition, lifestyle and gastronomy, and have a shared interest in developing cross-border tourism. As the respective municipalities of this region do not have sufficient individual resources, financial or otherwise, to generate the desired level of tourism, it was decided to create a cross-border partnership, and with joint forces develop tourist attractions to stimulate the number of visitors to the region/s.Regional Development Agency ISTER, as the lead partner of the project and in cooperation with the municipality Vamosszabadi as cross-border partner, shall have overall responsibility for the realisation of the project. They shall coordinate all activities in order to fulfill the goals and objectives of the project, and guarantee its effective implementation. Achievements: The Hungarian-Slovak cross-border area has several outstanding areas for bicycle tourism development. This tourism segment is increasing rapidly year by year. In line with this trend, the project partners developed the necessary documents (feasibility study, geological surveys, architectural & civil engineering plans and Documentation for planning permission) enabling bicycle track constructions in 5 micro regions of the border area.
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  • 81%   706 358,48
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website