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Keramka se učí v Evropě
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'Keramka learns in Europe' is a project which has been prepared by the implementation team and school staff. Its main aim is to deepen teachers' language, pedagogical and vocational skills and competences. The organisation has no experiences with EU grants funded by Erasmus + (previous LLP) and would like to join at first the teachers and later the learners in strategic partnerships. The school has determined the following objectives: 1) improve language skills of the teaching staff and management 2) develop and enrich didactic skills and enhance the attractiveness of teaching, introduce alternative methods, especially in natural sciences and foreign languages 3) increase internationalisation of the school and its involvement in Erasmus +, especially in partnerships 4) introduce EU's offer in the field of education to learners, parents and the public 5) approach the education system and culture of the visited countries to learners and other teachers 6) highlight the role of lifelong learning. Eighteen staff trainings have been planned in twelve European countries, fourteen of them are held in English, three in German and one in Russian language. Courses are divided into three main groups. The first and biggest group consists of workshops for teachers of general and vocational subjects (ten in total), four of them are focused on science and P.E., three on art and literature and three on ICT teaching and use. Knowledge of the English language min. B1 level, willingness to assist the organisation in school and extracurricular activities and interest in deepening their own qualification played the significant role in the participants' selection. The second group (6 courses) is prepared for foreign language teachers (German and English) and specialized in the improvement and development of language and teaching skills. The third and smallest group consists of two language courses (Russian and English) for management and a studying teacher. The organisation set up the implementation team which is composed of five people: headteacher, vice head for media, coordinator, the head of foreign language department and mobility organiser. During the project planning, a lot of attention was dedicated to the choice of seminars and their participants, in details to the communication with the NA, course providers, the establishment. The coordinator has pre-registrated nine participants at workshops (ICT, Art and natural sciences). If the funding is approved, the coordinator will prepare the plan of activities for each year. According to the plan the management will make school education mobility agreement with the participants, including language preparation, practical and logistic matters and evaluation. After arriving from a mobility, the participant will be asked to write a report, prepare a presentation for learners, all the materials for a subject comittee and complete an evaluation questionnaire. The public, learners, parents and school staff will be regularly informed not only by local media but also in other public relation activities like exhibitions or doors open days. It is believed that the project will help all the participants to improve their pedagogical and language skills and competences which will have positive impact on learners´motivation, study results as well as students' learning potential will be succesfully fulfilled. It is hoped that all the activities will lead to internationalisation of the school, its cooperation with foreign educational organisations and high involvement in strategic partnerships for all fields of study including apprenticeship. Present and future learners are eager to work and study abroad. The European Union with its tools like Europass will be shown as the institution which is able to open labour market within Europe and have a big influence on school leavers' future career.

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