Search for European Projects

Keeping Cool Europe - ENhancing Teachers REsilience in Europe
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

An alarming number of teachers are suffering from strains and stresses in Europe. Studies have shown that 25% - 40% of early career teachers leave their profession during the first 5 years. A significant number of teachers fall ill because of stress-related health disorders for longer periods of time during their professional life and many leave their profession before reaching retirement because of psychological and psychosomatic diseases. There is an urgent need for safe-guarding and improving teachers’ health, not only with regard to the quality of life of the teachers but also because there is a direct influence of teachers’ health on the standard of their teaching. Why some people are able to deal with strains and stresses better than others is the subject of resilience research. Teachers who are described as resilient are able to recover from frustration and maintain committed to their profession, and thereby also maintain their effectiveness. Resilience is currently understood as a multifaceted phenomenon that results from a combination of individual characteristics and contextual factors. More recent research has shown that one can learn and enhance resilience. This project builds on this and on the theoretical framework of the Australian Project “Keeping Cool”. Its goal is the development of two types of resilience training for young people who are in the transition process to becoming teacher (in CZ, DE, IRE, MT, PT) and has the following aims: 1. To develop a conceptual framework for enhancing individual resilience2. To develop material for face-to-face training on teacher resilience3. To implement a website to provide young teachers with an online learning platform including live webinars (interpreted also in sign language), substantial information and an online self-assessment to give the target group a feedback about their resilience profile 4. To offer a possibility for a cross-border exchange between young teachers, researchers and experts.

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