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KC-MEM: Acquiring key competences through local memories in non-formal adult learning
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The past decades have seen great changes across the world, such as mass migrations and globalisation, which lead people to question their identity. Who are we? Where am I from? How should I act in the present and future? The past is source of identity to understand the present and imagine the future. The memory has proved as a powerful educational tool to develop social and civic competences, as well as to strengthen the sense of belonging to the group whose memories are studied. The use of memory in an adult learning context allows to address some of the most important objectives and challenges defined in the European Agenda for Adult Learning for the period 2012- 2014: motivation and engagement of adult learners, active citizenship and social cohesion, enhancing creativity and innovation and building local partnerships. The aim of the project is to elaborate an innovative and competency-based educational project aimed to the recovery, identification and gathering of local memories inscribed into tangible or intangible forms. The educational experience is aimed at narrating the memories into a visible and sustainable format (creative output) to share it with the rest of the local community, in order to build up local identities and strengthen local and civil society. An outline with main activities and stages will be designed and then adapted to 6 local communities which will explore their memories. Other relevant outcomes of the project are a Guide on the use of memory in adult education and a Manual on how to organise educational projects based in local memories. The project will contribute to improve the existing adult education offer at local level in terms of quality and innovation, the introduction of competency-based methodologies in non-formal learning, to provide attractive and innovative learning settings for adult learners, strengthen the links with community life and build up local identity and foster local partnerships in adult education.
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