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Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Sep 4, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project "Internships Abroad for Commercial Assistant students" (KAS-AP) by the Emil Molt Akademy Berlin sends trainees for 6-week stays in Wales, whereby they complete their obligatory 6-week internship (in foreign languages or IT, depending on their orientation) at suitable companies and public bodies. The KAS interns who participate in this project are prepared before their departure in a mobility workshop organised at the Emil Molt Academy Berlin. There, participants obtain general information about their destination country, as well as detailed practical information. They are furthermore informed about differences between Germany and its working culture and that of their destination country. This workshop aims at promoting cultural sensitivity and openness, while at the same time empowering participants to deal constructively with feelings of homesickness and the experience of living in a foreign country.As part of the mobility project, the Emil Molt Academy Berlin organizes the participants’ travel insurance and takes care of all travel arrangements (including the purchase of airplane tickets). Throughout the duration of their stay abroad, all participants may contact the responsible person at the Emil Molt Academy Berlin, who will respond to their questions, problems and suggestions.The participants’ stay in Llangollen, Wales (six weeks plus two days of travel) are divided into 2 phases: 1. linguistic and cultural preparation (one week); 2. the actual internship (five weeks)During the first week, participants will attend a cultural program on the premises of the ECTARC. Additionally, in the afternoons, they will have the possibility to explore the city and to get to know local people, thus adapting to their new environment. Participants will also attend an introductory seminar held by the host organization in their destination country. This seminar consists of a practical and an intercultural part, the latter building on the preparatory workshop already held in Berlin. Participants become acquainted with their internship schedule, they get to personally know their host organisation contact persons and be informed about where they can reach them for any questions and problems that may arise. Furthermore, the seminar addresses habits in the work environment. This will make it easier for participants to start working and be prepared to deal with different practices and ways to interact in the context of their work. In the first week, interviews with the placement companies and institutions also take place. As a rule, a staff member of the host organisation accompanies participants to these interviews. Ideally, each participant will have to choose among a number of placements. During the first two weeks, it may also be necessary to settle administrative procedures, such as residence registration. The host organisation coordinates these issues.The next five weeks are taken up by the internship, which consists of practical work in each participant’s field of training and work. According to the project objectives, participants carry out activities that should deepen and expand their professional, social and language skills. To some extent, new skills may also be acquired. During this period, at least two meetings are held between the partner organisation and the participants. In the 4th week of their stay (that is, the 3rd week of their internship), participants will be visited at their place of work by the supervising teacher of the Emil Molt Academy Berlin. On this occasion, participants and their supervisor will hold a confidential conversation. An evaluation of the placement thus far will be conducted jointly by the instructor of the internship organisation, the participant and the supervisor.During their stay abroad, all participants have the possibility to contact, via an emergency phone, either the contact person of the intermediary partner institution (which has hitherto been the ECTARC) or one of the supervisors at the Emil Molt Academy Berlin. Before the participants’ departure, the intermediate organisation will conduct a final evaluation and will issue the Europass Mobility certification, while, the host organisation and/or company will issue an internship certificate. After the participants’ return, all experiences are evaluated in a final workshop. Europass Mobility documents will be given to participants following the issue of the half-year report cards in February of the following year. The internship and its marks are an integral part of the Commercial Assistant training and, together with the classroom presentations, they are estimated as a valuable part of this training course.
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