European Projects
Καταρτίζοντας τον Μεταφραστή του μέλλοντος: εμβαθύ..
Καταρτίζοντας τον Μεταφραστή του μέλλοντος: εμβαθύνοντας στη λογοτεχνική κουλτούρα του Άλλου σε συνδυασμό με τη χρησιμοποίηση ψηφιακών μεταφραστικών εργαλείων.
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: Jul 31, 2017
The plan “Training the Translator of the future: getting deeply into the literature-culture of the Other in combination with the use of digital translating devices” is recommended for 14 students of “Translation of literature texts and correction, evaluation of texts”. What is innovative about this programme is the fact that it is the first time that a public Vocational Training Institute is given the chance to take part in attending lessons which concern Literature Translation on the grounds of non-typical education for adults. In fact, this is the main reason why the students should not only enrich their knowledge, but also be provided with the appropriate appliances so that they can deal effectively with the demands of the profession.This plan includes the students’ participation in three workshops which are related to some of the subjects on their weekly schedule.Workshop 1: Introduction to the use of digital tools and devices of translation. The students will have the opportunity to attend lessons by well-known teachers who will focus on the tools and devices that a professional translator of literature uses depending in the text he/she works on. During this workshop, the students will compare these tools and devices and will refer to the presuppositions, difficulties as well as to the advantages of using them.Workshop 2: Introduction to the French Literature. The students will get to know the work of very famous French authors who have set their work in the sunny area of Nice.Workshop 3: Literature translation of extracts of authors’ work which is presented during the workshop “Introduction to the French Literature”. At the same time, the students will attend a 14-hour language lesson so that they will be able to respond satisfactorily to the demands of the programme.Moreover, the plan also includes visits to three Publication Establishments which are located in Nice. More particularly, the students will visit their location, they will contact with the editors and the rest of the publication professionals (e.g translators, evaluators, correctors, typists e.t.c) in their workplace. Additionally, they will learn about their professional activities, they will discuss with them and they will pose questions as if they interview them. These interviews will be presented by the students, after they return back to Greece, together with the experience and the benefits of this programme. This programme also involves the students attending three seminars concerning the theatrical translation, the editions of youth literature and the organization of a translator’s work.Last but not least, the programme includes cultural visits to the old town of Nice, to Monaco and to the Oceanographic Museum, to Antibes and to Picasso Museum, to Grasse and finally to Cannes and the Lerins islands. As a result of all these visits, the participants will get closer to the French culture and civilization.Through this specific plan, all of us, students, teachers and the personnel of the Vocational Training Institute in Marousi, will gain important experiences and benefits both personally and academically. We will get to know innovative approaches to the Literature Translation and the studies will get a European dimension which is considered not only to modify, in a way, the students’ professional identity but also to make them become translators of the future with broad perception and spirit.To sum up, all this experience and knowledge will be transferred back to Greece through a variety of presentations and activities so as to get other teachers and students to participate in such actions. In this way, we will manage those people, who are responsible for education and foundations, generally, as well as educational and life-long learning authorities, to be motivated to keep learning and evolving professionally.