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Κατάρτιση σε εφαρμογές πληροφορικής στις επιχειρήσεις (clouding computing)
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Developments in IT enforce in our country the formation of courses related to the training of technical staff employed in corresponding positions in the labor market. We believe that the students will gain important knowledge and experience on a contemporary issue relating to training and retraining in IT applications in companies, the so-called clouding computing technologies. In recent years there has been rapid development of applications based on clouding computing, as they can provide solutions to a large number of issues relating to information systems that have been until now practically inaccessible to small and medium sized enterprises. The central aim of the proposal is the training of students in clouding computing technologies so they can offer and make use of these technologies when and where they are needed.Training needs we aim to meet through the plan are:- the application of basic knowledge clouding and distributed computing,- Implementing parallel processing applications,- The ability to distinguish levels clouding computing services,- Leasing computing resources,- Use clouding software.If these educational needs are met, students will be able to propose solutions of IT systems, as well as to perform all actions necessary to implement them. So they are better equipped in order to cope with the demanding environment of the labor market.The training program "Training in computer applications in business (clouding computing)” designed according to the characteristics and fulfillment of recorded needs of participants in order to obtain the specialized knowledge required in respect of computer applications, so in conjunction with practical skills and attitudes required by their specialty, to become competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market. Moreover, the project is in direct relation and relevance to the labor market needs. In the proposed project we expect to achieve multiplier effects and benefits, both for participants and for parties involved abroad. This gives added value to the proposal, helping to develop the European dimension in vocational training and vocational guidance and disseminate the importance of mobility programs and the transfer of European culture in the sending country. Results from the project are located in the following: - Ensuring the possibility for students to be able to handle expansion needs and installation of information systems,- The strengthening of participants' skills to enable them to boost their competitiveness through the promotion of new techniques and methods, - The widening of disciplines for students to be able to guide and advise entrepreneurs with effective solutions,- The momentum in developing new technologies and methods for improving the services to be provided.Participation in such a mobility project contributes so the beneficiaries to gain valuable experience and important skills in order to enrich their knowledge, to work in an environment with different technologies and know-how, practice and perfect a foreign language and get to know a different culture.
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