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Κατάρτιση εκπαιδευτών στην Πράσινη Ενέργεια και την Περιβαλλοντική Εκπαίδευση
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of this project is to train 15 educators from Greece, at the IT Power Ltd, Training center-located in Bristol England - in the form of a weekly training seminar (theory and practice), on Electric Energy saving and coproduction technologies through Renewable Energy and Hydrogen systems. Moreover the objectives is to learn about systems and ways to produce and store hydrogen from RES and also to get acquainted with feasibility studies, telemetry and telecontrol systems. We would suggest this training to take place between the last two months of 2014 and the end of 2015 (during school holidays). Teaching about sustainable energy in theory is dictated in the National Curriculum for the vocational and technical education, it is not supported though in practice. Our country Greece is really gifted by a climate full of sunny days and winds, therefore owns the comparative advantage in the production of solar and wind energy. Interestingly though, primary energy consumption is covered only at 5,3% by using RES and this is so, among other factors, due to the lack of adequate knowledge and know - how. It must be noted that Greece, as every other country does so, has enacted a National Action Plan to set out the share of renewable energy consumed in transport electricity production and heating by 2020. This target is consistent with the 20-20-20 overall target of the EU which practically means that in the years to come, the need for specialized and qualified RES workers will be more pressing especially in non- conventional fuel system. There going to be workplaces for solar and wind energy installation designers, technicians for the installation and maintenance of solar and wind parks as well as a variety of self employed technicians. This mobility project will support the efforts to be disentangled from the existing dominant energy model. The learning gap that is created can be covered by training the educators on techno - economic feasibility studies on the installation maintenance and management of solar and turbine systems by utilizing telemetry as much as using hydrogen as alternative fuel . The ultimate aim of the whole project is to transfer their experience not only to their students but also to related working places and more specifically: It represents an innovative technique in the thematic unit of remotely controlling and monitoring electrical potential (energy), that is produced by solar panel units and turbine generators and usage of logistics in the following fields: Measuring wind potential in local level in order to indicate the best spots for the installation of wind farms as well as the size and the ways to interconnect them in these spots, taking into consideration geographical data, the road infrastructure and the land use. Mapping of the power curves, power quality and ambient noise level assessment Studying of the turbine generators material, strength based on the above measurements (aerodynamics and mechanical loads) Evaluating the operation of wind farms Feasibility study for installing solar panels, designing and dimensioning solar panel systems, performance evaluation of solar panel stations The trainees will also be up dated about: Manufacturing and testing solar panels and photovoltaic arrays, installation requirements according to new technologies Production and storage of hydrogen In the IT Power training center in Great Britain there are laboratories equipped with the latest technology. Therefore it offers reskilling and training courses for educators in manufacturing and electrical field. These courses provide training both in a theoretical and practical level which will be followed by the participants evaluation and assessment.

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