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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "DIVING TOURISM – LEVER DEVELOPMENT OF KALYMNOS" concerned student education IVET Employees in Tourism specialty of the 1st EPAL Kalymnos. It took place in Portugal, a country that has developed for this reason, with the participation of 20 students in the host institution Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade (A.I.A.M.) The Diving Tourism is growing rapidly worldwide and Kalymnos has all the prerequisites for development for this Epal of Kalymnos proceeded in planning and implementation. Every year traded internationally large exchange volume transported normally to the coastal countries, especially in those with interesting bottoms with rich flora and fauna (natural landscapes, flora and fauna diversity, caves and volcanoes on the seabed, etc.). The national income of some countries depends crucially on the diving tourism (eg Malaysia), while others (such as Malta, Egypt, Maldives, Turkey etc.) Tourism is a key source of foreign currency. Therefore many countries make every effort to harness their natural environment in order to attract foreign visitors and increase their participation in the benefits of global diving activity. It is noteworthy that with diving connects a wide circle of persons engaged directly or indirectly in this work area. The underwater recreational activities are very attractive especially for young people and that is why countries without sea, such as Switzerland and Austria have experienced major growth with clubs, schools and learning organized tourism. While in our country there was a ban on diving parks by 2006 which came into force the new law for recreational diving, which seeks to create a defined framework for both professionals and for amateur divers. The new law resulted from the need for the development of diving tourism in our country. On this basis (new law for lifting the ban on diving and increase demand for diving tourism) but also the fact that the financial crisis dramatically affected the Kalymnos local economy so again many residents to migrate, leading to the selection of the specific program "DIVING TOURISM –LEVER DEVELOPMENT OF KALYMNOS". It’s sure that in Kalymnos can be created diving incomparable beauty parks, besides its history is connected with the sponge fishing and fishing, have created an entire culture of the sponge and written history around diving. The diving tourism can provide qualitative information on domestic tourism product and contribute to its own dynamics and its own public in efforts to increase the number of visitors to Greece. Underwater diving first imposes and above all a good and qualified training, through which enable the diver to know and understand the character and the science of diving on the equipment but also the effects that are exerted on the body when is deep. Also, through education knows the seabed environment, design dive schedule, and techniques for safe diving skills. These training needs aspires to cover the submitted plan. The training program is designed according to the characteristics and to the satisfaction of reported needs of the participants in order to obtain the specialized knowledge required regarding diving tourism, so that in combination with intakes practical skills and attitudes required by their specialty, to become competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market. Moreover, the project was in direct relation and relevance to labor market needs as mentioned above. Through the program helped EPAL concerning the: - Adopting and maintaining standards of quality and internationalization training, applied during the period of mobility both in the host, and by professional bodies visited. - Upgrading of its Fame. - Improving and modernizing curricula. - Maintaining open channels of communication with foreign institutions and enhancing cooperation. - Recognition and validation of learning outcomes acquired. - Internationality of the curriculum. The impact of the scheme was at all levels both among participants, trainees, organizations and concerned at three levels in learning, work and cultural.

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