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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project ‚Career-chance-equality‘ is the result of the long-term professional cooperation between our school, The Secondary Technical and Vocational School of Trade and Catering of the Debrecen Professional Training Centre and its German partner, the SWH. We would like to continue our cooperation with our 2016 project so that our results could integrate permanently into our Pedagogical Programme. By winning the application, our students and the participating teachers get a chance to gain experience in a wider, global scope. Our students get to know a new work-atmosphere, face new expectations, become more independent, learn to adapt and accept others. They improve their foreign language and social competences. According to the institutional requirements, the most important goals of this project are to improve the quality of learning, to decrease the number of students leaving the school, to ensure chance equality and to facilitate the meeting of theory and practice in vocational training. WOur goal is that students of certain professions can get a clear view of their colleagues‘ work, they can get to know the details of each others‘ professions and try themselves in new situations. Foreign internship is an advantage in finding a job later.In the project, 12 cooks, confectioners, waiters and restaurateurs take part in two periods. The selection of the students is a two-step process. In the first round, we choose 14 people from the applicants who take part in a preparatory course. Then the project team chooses 12 students from them who are going to travel abroad based on the principles used in the previous projects. Two students become auxiliaries, who automatically get places in the second round among the travellers. Before departure, the participants are prepared for the internship by the school and the German partner in the fields of language, culture, take part in mental preparatory and conflict handling courses. One group is leaving Hungary on 05 September 2016 with an accompanying teacher who is going to interpret and supervise students under 18 and the disadvantaged ones. The German partner is going to meet and put up the students in Scheibe Alsbach until they are taken to the hotels. On the first day the students take part in a language preparatory course and a professional excursion to Erfurt. Then the German partner takes the students with the accompanying teacher (2 students to one place).The students work altogether 160 hours at their workplaces, which means, 4 weeks, 5 days of work per week, 6-8 hours work per day. They have two days off weekly. The two students get at least one day off on the same day per week. They can make plans for these free days for themselves. At the workplaces the students, according to their professions, work either in the kitchen or in the restaurant. It is important that they can get an insight into another profession, as well, so they have a chance to change their work fields. During the internship the school leaders checks them in the form of a monitoring visit, when there is an opportunity for them to talk to the students, to check the working hours register, the Hungarian logbooks and the ECVET evaluation sheets, as well as to evaluate them partly after discussions with the managers and divisional supervisors. After the four weeks, the representative of the workplace evaluates the most important learning results, knowledge, skills, attitudes and independence on an ECVET sheet. The language and social competences are evaluated by the SHW, issues a certificate about it on which includes the language mark and that of gained at the workplace which is recognized by the school. The students are going to return to Hungary on 04 October 2016. In the school they are going to keep their presentations. They are going to receive their Europass mobility certificate proving their foreign internship in the form of a public ceremony.The foreign internship for the second group is going to take place in the same time period of the year 2017.The results of this project will be published in many forums such as our website, newspapers or school and city events. Sharing the knowledge will take place in disseminational events, where professional teachers can learn about good practices. The goal of our ERASMUS+ 2016 is the maintaining the continuity of foreign internships.

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