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Kalp Damar Hastalıklarının Tanı, Tedavi ve Bakım Uygulamalarına AB Bypassı
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Name: Within the context of our project called'' EU by-pass to the pactice,treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases'', 63 students who are studying nursery in our instution and prospective partners will take part as participants. 9 teachers who are professional in their fields will accompany them. According to a research held by WHO, it has been reported that the people in EU have a longer life span and face cardiovascular diseases with a lower rate. Although we have more young population distinct from EU countries, frequency of cardiovascular diseases is relatively over the EU countries. In our country according to the 2014 data of the Ministry of Health , the number of the death by immediate heart attack is nearly 200 thousand for each year. It is expected that in 2015-2020 the yearly number of the patients will reach 400 thousands. According to the data of the Turkish Society of Cardiology,cardiovascular diseases rank first with a rate of %39. It is emphasized that more than 12 millions of people between 35-65 are under the risk of cardiovascular diseases, existence of over 3 millions of cardiac patients and 90 thousands of people are added to this number every year. It is pointed that 90 thousands of people lose their lives before being taken to the hospital or lose their lives in the first 24 hours even if they are taken to the hospital. Our country ranks in the first places in deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases especially under the age 50. Cardiovascular disease is an important public health issue and it places a large burden for national economy. Nearly 380 thousands of angio operations are held in our country every year, of 120 thousands are applied interventional procedures. The number of people applied angiography is 1200-1300 in nearly 1 million population. In Turkey,undoubtedly ''White Angels'' comes one of the foremost professional instutions which provides care for the ones who have cardiovascular diseases or have quietly high possibility to have cardiovascular diseases.The nurses who works in this field are expected to be able to evaluate patient, take part in diagnostic procedures, apply given treatment, observe complications, to have knowledge about nursing care plans and procedures which are peculiar to the patient,and multidisciplinary approach which leads to commnication and cooperation with other professions. The application of the project will contribute to the training of innovative, coherent with technological developments, high skill level, productive and qualified health staff(nurses). The nurses who work in this field need improving themselves in the fast changing department of cardiology. In this context, education and internship quality of the nurses who will provide care in this field is also vital. It has been reported by experts that cardiovascular diseases have a lower frequency in EU countries and with the help of a timely, conscious, effective and qualified intervention, the rate of the death decreases by %25.(MH 2010)Our participants need to see on site the materials and equipments used in the field, cardiovascular diagnosis-treatment, interventional nursery, maintenance procedures, emergency treatment approaches in EU standards, and transfer the innovative/different/correct ones.Also, they have necessities to improve their technical language/education and to meet/experience EU culture. With the project,it has been aimed to raise qualified, well-versed in cardiology and angiography nursery, and experienced health staff. It has been aimed to gain knowledge, skill and experience by seeing on site the technical education and procedures in this field given by hosting countries, To improve technical language/intercultural communication of the participants,and also to improve EU culture and awareness, introducement of our country, To increase the number of the people utilizing placement organizations to the level determined by Life Long Learning Programmes by improving the quality and quantity of the circulation in EU of the people who are in basic technical education and in permanent technical education within the projects of Erasmus+LDV. to be able to improve innovative procedures used in technical education, excepted from university education, and transfer them from a participant country to another. Expected results of the project; to increase the number of the qualified staff trained in EU standards, to increase the quality of technical education/presentation of health service and life standards, to provide the popularization of the products(method, model, brochures, booklet etc) which will be used in the field, to improve the technical language, communication skills of the participants and contribution to the employment of them in health sector. The placement will be held with 21 participants 08-28 May 2016(Netherland,Spain,İtaly).Total time of the project is 12 months and beginning date of the project is 07-09-2015 and due date is 07-09-2016.
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