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Kaffee zum Glück - eine interkulturell - inklusive Juniorfirma
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The „interculturell-inclusive juniorcompany Happy Coffee" is a project of Trebnitz Castle Education and Exchange Center in cooperation with three schools and one refugeeproject located in the German-Polish border region. The project combines formal and non-formal learning processes . About 28 pupil together with 9 trainers and educators will participate. The participating parties are venturing into new pedagogic territory, by having German and Polish pupils together with young refugees found a company under the tutelage of a non-formal educational institution. Special to the project is the combination of strengthening economic skills and offering intercultural learning experiences, while at the same time applying a socially inclusive approach. By covering these aspects, the project is in line with the European Youth Strategy, i.e. empowerment, participation, social integration, transnational mobility, and securing a successful transfer into professional life. We also demonstrate our solidarity for the integration of young refugees in our region.The basic idea of the “pupil’s company” is to found a miniature business which is incorporated in the Trebnitz Castle Education and Exchange Center, and which functions within set rules that mimic real economic conditions. In this way, the participating youth gain insight into production and economic processes. The pupil’s company “Café zum Glück” (The Happy Café) will be located in a public location, a retail store in the newly renovated "Remise shop" of Trebnitz Castle.The project has several objectives. One is to achieve inclusion and integration on a practical level. Most of the participating youth are attending schools for students with special needs and a refugee dormitory.Some of them are physically impaired, suffer from severe learning disabilities, or grow up in a difficult domestic environment. Through strategic empowerment, we offer challenged youth equal opportunities and social inclusion. In the economically underdeveloped Polish-German border region, our pupil-run Café allows youth to gain work experience in the areas of gastronomic service and book-keeping, while developing skills they later can use in “real” professional life. The project “interculturell-inclusive junior company” can therefore be understood as an attempt to realize sustainable structural development in the said border region. During the twelve-month project period, five seminars of five days length will be held at Schloss Trebnitz, in Kostrzyn and Lubsko (Poland). During these seminars, pupils will receive instructions on how to found and run a company (f.e. businessplan). Each student is assigned a personal responsibility. In addition, they will attend German/Polish language classes and will be trained in barista and waiting tables, in order to provide a setting that mirrors that of an actual gastronomic service. In order to guarantee a cooperation with little conflict potential between theses different exclusion-groups the diversity topic , interkultural learning and inclusive-strategies will play an important role. Lots otf this will be achieved in peer-groupe lern setttings. By this the participants will gain more motivation as they lean from each other. The special situation of the underprevileged young people will be tackeled by an appreciative handling, where we look at the stong sides of each individual. We guarantee reliable support so that the participants can realy trust the educators. THe Youthpass-certificate will support the learning process and makes it transperant and comprehensable for everyone. The youth are expected to practice their acquired skills in a realistic economic context, while strengthening key qualifications for the successful transition into professional life, such as initiative, sense of responsibility, and capacity for team work. Guided by a project coordinator, the inclusive youth group is going to first be trained and then work in the areas of gastronomic service, book-keeping and floristry. The joint activity of serving guests and visitors is going to enhance participants’ self-esteem. On the long run we will foster the employability, the entrepreneurial attitude , the intercultural awareness and the linguistic skills. All together this will lead to an ective participation in society for the disadvantaged pupil, to integrationa and inclusion, whoch is also a prevention agains radicalisation and exclusion.

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