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K-COMPETENCES – New Key Competences in Business for Integrating Lifelong Learning within an Enlarged Europe

The K-COMPETENCES project aims at defining common and minimum standards for transparency and for the comparison of ‘key or new skills’ in order to enhance the integration of VET systems within the European Union. Project partners will initially define key skills for Business, such as ICT, language competence and social skills and will agree upon common minimum standards. Beyond this, the project will undergo an analysis of employee skills in business in order to map existing training needs. A series of training modules will be developed and tested and a software tool introduced to identify key skills gaps. End project results will comprise a European catalogue of new and key skills in Business and the developed tool for the identification of key skills gaps. Target groups for the project include students, employees, unemployed persons, social partners, training organisations and sectoral bodies, benefitting either from the reults or from the processes of the project. Dissemination will rely upon the establishment of a dedicated project website, publication of a project newsletter and leaflet and the hosting of seminars, meetings and workshops.
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10 Partners Participants