Start date: May 1, 2014,
Jump@school intends to capitalize and maximize good practices implemented by the partners to contrast ESL, to experiment these ones in other countries of the partnership, according to local needs and features. The project wants to find a line of implementation/testing built on some pillars:* Need for integration of policies on specific education, VET, youth policy, and social services* To promote networks af actors at local level (VET institutions, system of public services and private employment services, employers' organizations, trade unions, etc.) who decide to address this issue from the enhancement of their skills, strongly coordinated by a public authority*To test and evaluate innovative services to contrast ESL, which in a network perspective can intervene in a flexible and fast way.The specific objectives are:- to identify tested methodologies, strategies and good practices to prevent and contrast the early school leaving in contexts with high rate of drop out;- to improve the education and training offer and policies facing the new challenges and changes (such as inter alia, economic crisis, high rate of youth unemployment, high rate of students with migrant background).The project intends also:* to provide recommendations and guidelines targeted to policy makers for the definition of interventions aiming at preventing and fighting the phenomenon of ESL;* to provide modelling of good practices, strategies and methodologies defined, tested and evaluated.The project will develop an experimental design based on intervention and control group comparison, with pre and post measurement of impact indicators.110 students at risk in each school based on pre-defined indicators will be selected. They will be randomly assigned to intervention and control group.Guidelines and recommendations for policy makers regarding to prevention of early school leaving will be developed. Moreover manuals for teachers, trainers, social workers, counsellors will be provided.