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JuKaVa nonformal method – learning through playing
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Devision Association in partnership with five organizations from Bulgaria, Estonia, Turkey, Britain and Spain will carry out the project "JuKaVa nonformal method - learning through playing. The project idea started during a project Erasmus, where former partners have identified common needs and interests and have decided to write a project with high impact and the objectives and goals they identified are: 1.Following the 10 days of training, the 28 participants will improve key skills about empathic communication with children, correct relationship with them using argumentation, body language, and verbal paraverbal, which will assist them in improving communication with children and adolescents 2. The 28 participants will learn how to use Jukava method in youth work and how, from this method, propose and implement new projects for children and adolescents beneficiaries 3. Increase the involvement of working with children for youth workers who have no experience in this area and the fact that they will learn Jukava methods will help them gain confidence in their capacity to work well with children 4. At the end of the project, the 28 participants will learn the practical skills on how to create a non-formal education program for children and the impact that consistently then can share with other youth workers and their beneficiaries. 5. Raising awareness of participants about the importance of learning and using innovative methods in activities with children. To achieve our project objectives, we planned two preparatory meetings in which organizations will analyze the situation regarding non-formal methods used in work with children, will discuss the project objectives and will be preparing for intercultural evening. The participants will be ready to start learning by using a number of methods of non-formal such as role play, brain storming, debating, collages, activities for team-building and trust-building and formal methods such as analyze cases, teamwork, presentations, etc. We believe this project will have a major impact not only on youth workers who will learn how to use the method Jukava but also on organizations involved who will know how to structure and implement programs for children using innovative and creative non-formal methods. The main stregths of the project iare: learning by experience, so that the method will be taught while it applies, participants will work with children in the local community to understand how the method should be applied live, the solid partnership and the good colaboration with the local community, with whom we worked in other projects Erasmus, are the strengths of this project and the guarantees that the impact will be high.
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5 Partners Participants