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Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Mar 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young people in Comunidad Valenciana is in a situation of social exclusion which has been aggravated by the economic crisis. Currently, the young unemployment rate has reached 57%. Besides, the 45% of young people is on the threshold of poverty, which gives us a picture of insecurity we are living in the región of Valencia. Even more, when the 35% of employed young people are in that threshold. Aslo, only 2 of every 10 young people, have access to a family emancipation. Otherwise, more than 22,000 young people of the region have gone to other countries in order to develop a new life project. This exile has a high social cost which has been quantified in 8.215 milions of euros in ten years by Spanish Youth Council (CJE) in their report: “Necessary Youth”.After analyzing this situation, it is necessary to articulate a new impulse of the youth policies in the region, putting them on the political agenda as a priority as they are, like a strategy for the social and economical growth at the present momento and for the future. Then, to do this, it is necessary to change the current legal framework. More than five years has passed after the last reform. When the last law was approved, YNGO’s and Youth workers were aginst it because this legal framework have a lot of defeciencies. It does not allow the development of local youth policies in order to keep the rural population,to provide equal opportunities to the rural youth or to the Young peopole with fewer opportunities. This law does not allow the participation of informal groups of Young people and aslo it could not allow the participation of the not associated youth. Those are some of the reasons to change the legal framework..The CJCV will make an analysis of the situation of the Valencian Youth, by collecting data from diferent reports and then, we wil add the results of an oopen online survey for the Young people. Afterwards, we will develop a meeting in which it will be dicussed the minimum content to address in the future law. To do this, we are going to use methodologies such as worshops, world caffe and other metodologies from the non formal education. By the same time, we are going to analayze the different legal frameworks for Youth policies in other regions of Spain and the European Union. In this meeting, 30 young people will be involve besides the decesion makers.Furthermore, we are going to provide a training of "Agents of SD". This people is going to approach the disucison to the High Schools and they are going to facilitate the regional meetings which will take place in our provinces. They will be resopnsible for promoting the debate by taking into account the position paper about the future law which will have done in the firt meeting. This training is based in the qualification of the Training for Trainers that the regional Youth Institute has. Also, we are going to add a new module to introduce the SD and the skills needed to facilitate debates. This training will be offer for a maximum of 25 young people.Once the "Agents of the SD" will have been trained, they will develop the discussón in the local and pronvicial level. In order to do this, they will be invited to join the preparation of these meetings during the summer. In this meetings, that will take place in september, Young people from the YNGO’s and informal organizations or not associated Youth were invited to joind the discussion with decisión makers and Youth workers. The discussion will be divided in different topics such as Youth Emancipation, housing and mobility (personal autonomy); Education, Health and Leissure time; Culture and sports. Finally, with the outcome of those provincial meetings between Young peopole and decisión makers the Political Coordination Team, will make a draft text for the future law. This draft text will be discussed in the last meeting with the decisión makers (from the government at local, pronvincial and regional level, also people form the political gropus present the regional Parliment). As an outcome, it will be a consensus text. In this meeting, more tan 30 young people will be involved.At the end of the Project, at least 178 young people have actively been participating in the SD process for the reform of the Youth Law of CV. Also, at least 1250 people will have joint the discussion indirectly through the development of the debates in the local level and within youth organizations and the network of Youth reserchers. When the process will be finished, young partiipants have improved their soft skills by developing competencies and skills recognized in the project. In the same way that they have improved their perception of public institutions to have shared spaces and debates. On the other hand, it will be sensitive to those responsible for making policy decisions of the current situation of social exclusion experienced by young people and the oportunitiy to work that provides SD process for future reforms.

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