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Journey to Work 3
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The weakening of the global recovery in 2012/13 has further aggravated the youth jobs crisis. Joblessness lasting more than 6 months is a major factor preventing young people from getting (re)hired, with potentially grave consequences: lost production, increased social spending, decreased tax revenue and slower growth. On a personal level the impact on the young job seeker is no less devastating and includes ; loss of confidence & self-reliance, depending on social benefits, etc. Policy makers & academics are now asking whether an improving economy might absorb those young workers in time to prevent long-term economic damage. In any given month, a newly jobless young worker has about 20 to 30 % chance of finding a new job. By the time s/he has been out of work for 6 months, though, the chance drops to 1 in 10. The skills mismatch on youth labour markets has become a persistent & growing trend. Many of these young people are not only early-school leavers, lacking qualifications, relevant skills & work experience but more & more it affects third-level graduates who cannot find a first job. Nordström/Skans (2011) show that an unemployment spell of more than 51 days subsequent graduation increases the probability of unemployment 5 years later. By request of the Scottish Government (SG) & Edinburgh Capital City Partnership (CCP) we will do anything in our power to support recent graduates from VET-schools in their journey to work. That's why WS has submitted an Erasmus+ application for a KA1 project Journey to work (J2W3) (see LOI's). J2W3 is for 12 recent graduates up to 30 years old, who are in unemployment (benefit). We will target the 2 groups of 6 recent graduates form VET-schools pre-dominantly when they enter the social benefits system. J2W3 from Werkcenter Scotland (WS) and its Model, the 1-2-3 methodology ("EU Good Practice 2006, 2012 & 2014') will deliver work experience to recent graduates from VET schools as they are asked by potential employers about their work experience before they even have the chance to obtain any work experience. WS & the approach of the host organisation Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work (DFW2W) is used to support and guide recent graduates in getting & improving new knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development and responsibility to obtain basic work experience & qualifications and/or participation on the local, national and EU labor market.DFOIW2W is a very experienced partner in YfEj & From Work to Work and is specifically chosen for their apprenticeships and specialization in the Dutch Rotterdam area. DFOIW2W has an educational social inclusion approach & they use person-centered planning & action-based learning processes. DFOIW2W has a very broad range of apprenticeships in the fields of Welfare, Work, Income, Health & Care & Public Affairs. WS will tackle passivity, youth unemployment in J2W3 & aim to reduce the number of recent graduates without a job on a small scale. We place recent graduates on a structured J2W. WS & DFOIW2W both have extensive international experience with similar successful projects.The 1-2-3 Methodology of WS has 3 phases:Assessment (1): 4-8 weeks (Preparation)Development (2): 6 weeks (Internship)Job Mediation (3): 4-20 weeks (Job Mediation)In the assessment phase the preparation training J2W3 takes place. This is required to get the recent graduates from VET-schools ready for the internships abroad, a young person who demonstrates correct behaviour will be rewarded and allowed to the Development Phase in NL. This is then followed up by a further intensive Welfare to Work programme delivered by CCP and the Joined Up for Jobs network on the young person's return to Scotland. Upon returning to UK, WS expects (partly based on experience with the YfEj & FW2W-project) the following results: - 70% of the started recent graduates from VET schools will positively sustain the assessment phase. Under the conditions as described earlier they will be fit to travel to NL as a form of incentive. - 90% of the recent graduates from VET schools doing work placements in NL will return to UK with work experience & are 'job ready' to enter the labour market- 75% of the project recent graduates from VET schools who have successfully completed the project will still be at work 1 year after completion of the project - 100% of the project participants will be evaluated.See also the 7 ANNEXES (Partner Mandate, Memorandum of Understanding, Service Level Agreement, Implementation Plan, Journey to Work 3 preparatoy workshops and Journey to Work3 Work Activity Plan (in the Netherlands).
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