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Journey to Employment
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background Although some countries show improved performance in employment figures - both youth and general - there is still a need to improve these through improved employability skills and methodologies for delivering these. The GET THERE project will use two extant programmes to help deliver these outcomes, taking the ASDAN Employability Curriculum from existing qualification units and teaching these through Europeace Youth's innovative Mentoring methodology. This will be carried out in line with research results in each country which will establish which skills are most in demand in each country and, accordingly, which modules to include in GET THERE training programme. Objects of Project To create high-quality Employability training programmes in each partner country; to deliver pilottraining to at least 90 learners across partner countries; to disseminate project content and methodology at local, national and international level. Methodology The methodology for GET THERE is based around two innovative programmes: ASDAN's Employability curriculum and EPY's Youth Mentor Training Course. • 2 innovative methodologies and tools, Employability Activities and Mentoring programme, focused on developing real skills for work and business and empowerment competencies development, will be transferred by ASDAN and Europeace Youth. While Employability activities bring an innovative curriculum on employability skills, Europeace Youth brings a Mentoring model; • target groups that will be fit: (i) first the GET THERE project will equip (transfer workshop - learning activity) VET providers with methodologies, tools and competences in order to be the future employability educators and thus speed up employability skills learning among unemployed, in particular those less qualified; (ii) second, end users (the ones to address in the national pilots) will be unemployed people - young or less young - and employed people. • 1 Competences Matrix for GET THERE training course - which infuse ASDAN's curriculum with EPY's peer mentoring methodology - developed in a learning outcomes approach to clearly define knowledge, skills and competences a trainee should achieve by undertaking the training. This will allow a greater transparency about the qualification and is aligned with ECVET, emphasizing the importance in building mutual understanding and trust between partners and thus improving the quality of mobilites at an European level. The overall aim of the GET THERE project is to support the development of employability skills which will equip people for the modern workplace and address EU key competence in the end users defined above, equipping VET providers with methodologies, tools and competences in order to be the future employability educators (i.e., VET teachers/trainers/professional) and thus speed up employability learning among people of a working age in all partners’ countries. Some of the main activities will be: Initial meeting and research objectives; a common transfer workshop - learning activitys; national pilot training of about 3; partners meetings; final conference. Intellectual Outputs 01 - Survey and Assessment of Employability needs - from 2 different perspectives - in each partner country 02 - GET THERE handbook with background, rationale, partner information, project content 03 - Competencies Matrix - Production of matrix detailing learning outcomes with regard to knowledge, skills and competences, to facilitate criteria, assessment, recognition of learner outcomes 04 - Guideline to successfully implement Get There project results in other organisations. Participant Profile The GET THERE project consortium includes 6 partners that work VET, ISQ (PT), IEKEP (EL) and ASDAN (UK), INFODEF (ES), CARDET (CY) and EPY (UK), all of whom have worked on European projects. Each partner organisation will look to deliver training to unemployed people or people that have a job but want to improve their skills - those who are need of employability training but also those in danger of becoming unemployed or already in this category. Results & Impact Envisaged Besides the 90 pilot training participants, it is expected to have 240 people participating in the initial survey and at least 125 in the multiplier event. Potential benefits Each partner country will have access to high quality curriculum material and an effective learning methodology which can be accessed freely by other national organisations and delivered to large numbers of people looking to develop real employability skills. Our choice of innovative learning materials ensures that the programme is engaging and informative for future learners and will allow them to access training which will aid their journey into employment. Final report & Summary All work completed during the programme and full evaluation work will be completed as part of a comprehensive final project report and summary.

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