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Joint Masters Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and Society
Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REFERENCE: 553648-EPP-1-2014-1-UK-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_ACESTITLE: Master in AquaCulture, Environment and Society, ACESObjectiveThe Erasmus Plus Joint Master Degree in AquaCulture, Environment and Society (ACES) has been specifically designed to address the many major scientific, technological and social obstacles facing the sustainable development of the global aquaculture industry.Course durationTwo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionThe aquaculture industry in Europe is stagnating and the sustainable development of this industry has become essential for improving the competitiveness of this business internationally. However, there are many major scientific, technological and social obstacles to overcome. This European Joint Master proposes specialised training in this field. The consortium is composed of three universities: University of the Highlands and Islands - Scottish Association for Marine Science (Scotland, UK), University of Crete (Greece) and the University of Nantes (France). The first semester (SAMS/UHI, UK) is devoted to gaining an overview of the global aquaculture industry, the interactions of this industry with the environment, and the new technologies and systems designed to address the various challenges and opportunities associated with this industry. In addition, there will be an opportunity to attend a 10 day optional overseas fieldtrip at the end of semester 1. Whereas the two following trimesters are devoted to acquiring more specialist knowledge in the finfish and shellfish industries, the fourth semester is targeted to an industry-based research project, resulting in the writing of a dissertation (30 ECTS credits). The first 3 semesters comprise 9 modules (including two core modules and one optional) from a choice of two modules in each country. Each module includes up to 250 hours and is worth 10 ECTS credits.Career prospectsThe objectives and format of the course mean that ACES graduates will be equipped to work in senior management roles in a wide range of settings, including fin and shell-fish farms, environmental and regulatory organisations, international trade organisations, and nongovernmental organisations. Close links with the aquaculture industry and legislators are central to this course. Course objectives explicitly promote the interests of the industry and cooperation with other professionals. Expected career paths include company manager tasks, policy and strategy, aquaculture-related project development, applied research and jobs related to stakeholder partnership creation and promotion.An international experienceThe course runs over four semesters and involves study periods in three different European countries. This movement allows students to benefit from different welfare models, teaching strengths and the experience of living in different cultures and societies. ACES students have the opportunity to be taught by a team of international experts and gain the skills required to address food security –an issue of global importance. More than 16 international partners cooperate with the programme hosting fieldtrips, providing international guest lecturers, organising placements and supporting research projects. Despite the courses being taught in English, language classes are also provided to ensure that students integrate as well as possible in socio-cultural terms in the host country.DiplomaSuccessful graduates will receive a Joint Master degree from the University of the Highlands and Islands and the University of Crete and a Single Degree from the University of Nantes in line with national legislation. In addition to these degree certificates, graduates will also receive a diploma supplement that outlines the nature of the course, curriculum and marking scheme.Website
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