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Joint Development of Online Gerontological Master Degree Programme

The background to this project is that demographic changes, technical advances and pressure from professional bodies are forcing nurse educators to rethink how they construct curricula. Demographic changes have profoundly influenced the structure of present and future populations; this is in terms of the number of older people requiring care, the nature of that care, where care can be and is given, and finally, those who give the care. Demands, by older people, for either social care or care during a chronic and/or acute health episode are very likely to escalate. Meeting that demand requires creative thinking as well as an awareness of technological advances and how they might be utilised. In addition to a growing and ageing population demographic changes are also influencing the number of available careers. The challenge of meeting the needs of long term care has been identified, raising the need for more highly educated health care providers. Meeting the diversity of needs indicated in the preceding paragraphs highlights the necessity to facilitate the process of information giving in both the elderly population and in the caring population. The challenge is great but this innovative curricula and the use of technology can facilitate achievable outcomes through quality education. The project offers a unique opportunity for project participants to consider local, national and international demographic issues and how they are liable to influence a European society. Although the project is initially aimed at the nursing population of caregivers, the curriculum could potentially be attractive to other health care professionals such as social care workers. The master degree programme will be available as an e-learning course where we will implement following didactic approaches problem based learning , enquiry based learning, seven intelligences, Kolb’s learning styles, Scenarios, Intelligent adaptivity. To prepare the e-learning materials we will use the innovative MetaTool which enable the programme creators/developers to prepare adaptive, flexible course materials. As the eLearning platform we will use the open source platform called Moodle extended with MetaTool plug-ins enabling personalization of learning paths for each individual student. Another innovation is the virtual environment for clinical practice, which will enable the students to train clinical and nursing interventions, nursing diagnosing, and similar at home using the ICT technology and the use of Simulation centre for training emergency and intensive care procedures.

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6 Partners Participants