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Joint cooperation network within culture and welfare on behalf of the development of the cities of Polish-Ukrainian borderland (IPBU.03.01.00-18-450/11)
Start date: Apr 23, 2013, End date: Apr 24, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of project is to create a network of cooperation of Polish-Ukrainian towns of borderland within the culture and welfare what will lead to wider activation of borderland areas, increase of life quality, strengthening and improving the social ties. Within the longer period of time, the offered project is aimed to engage bigger number of parties in the realisation of cross-border cooperation realisation, especially within welfare and culture. By creating the network of cooperating insitutions and realisation of common cultural actions and within the welfare, the project will positively influence the quality and comfort of life of inhabitants lives taking part in that project. Project will make a wide circle of self-government and social institutions into cooperation by the analysis of common actions of cultural and social nature within the project realisation period. Project also will increase the competences of 60 employees within the skills important for running the common Polish-Ukrainian actions. The offered project assumes running the complex and multidimensional cross-border cooperation. Actions predicted for the realisation would be jointly applied by the Project Partners and without the participation of partners would not have been realised. The undertaking principle as the network project is to create the cooperation network with the maximum involvement and efforts of all Partners
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  • 90.1%   348 662,29
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants