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Job shadowing - najlepszą szkołą jest doświadczenie.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Primary School in Dobranowice as a small rural school run by the association of Our School Our Children has been engaged in international cooperation projects for years , so far three times we were partners in the Comenius school projects . We are aware what opportunities such projects give to a school, and that positive impact on students , teachers and the school and the local community is enormous. In this project, we want to start working with a school in Portugal , and our goal is to send 7 teachers ( out tof10 - persons staff) to a week -course of job shadowing at the partner school . We chose this school because it it also has extensive experience in implementing international projects , but also because our institutions are in a similar situation (inconvenient location, rural area , limited development opportunities ) . Sending teachers to the job shadowing course to school in Europe is part of the implementation of our school development plan , we aim at ensuring that our facility has provided a high level of education and development for our students . We want to teach and educate basing on modern and effective methods , we plan to introduce pedagogical innovations , good practices that will allow us to manage the school efficiently. Our staff consists of people who continually improve their knowledge and skills , strive to improve their working workshop . We want to keep updated with modern methods of working in the school and through job shadowing want to learn how to use ICT in the classroom . We also aim to improve the language skills of teachers and raise the level of English communication . We want to upgrade your workshop , learn new techniques for working with students , meet colleagues from the partner school , exchange experience and learn best practice and then apply them to our school . We want to make a change in our model of teaching and school management , we want to make a small rural school be an institution of the XXI century equal to any school in Europe, in spite of all adversities , and we want our students to be aware of this. Our goals will be achieved during the school week course in Portugal : we will attend classes on a variety of subjects , allowing us to observe the work of teachers , their methods and techniques introducing new content , maintaining discipline , motivating students. We'll get plenty of new examples of how to work with children. We will participate in all activities of children and teachers, and the Director, in order to meet optimally operating system of the partner school. In addition, special emphasis will be placed on the use of ICT and the partner school will carry out daily activities using this educational tool. Polish teachers will communicate with their colleagues from Portugal in English so that their language skills will increase ( before leaving they will complete a 30-hour English language course ) , and at the same self-confidence and motivation to further learning. The Director will be watching the work of his colleague to gain valuable methods for efficient management of the school. Teachers from both schools will talk to each other every day , discuss the observed lessons , share knowledge and experience , evaluate the effectiveness of the course. After completing the course , teachers will bring acquired skills to their daily work , share their new knowledge with colleagues from school and other schools in the community, create a booklet containing a collection of all the methods and techniques of work observed during the course in Portugal. We will also report our achievements during parents meeting nad at a meeting with teachers from other schools in commune. Pedagogical innovations will make the educational process more attractive , students will participate in classes at European level , with the use of ICT and modern methods . The school will gain the face of a modern place that does not want to lag behind other schools in Poland or Europe . Our collaboration with the partner school will not be limited to a weekly course in Portugal , we will remain in constant e-mail contact , our teachers will exchange information , communicate through Facebook and thus improve language skills (English) , for two years we will exchange information about our countries , culture and traditions . We want to know our partner as well as possible , because our goal is further cooperation and projects to continue improvement in education . Teachers from Portugal will also come to our school for a week job shadowing course , and that means the continuation of cooperation between our institutions . We will gain an experienced partner , from whom we will certainly learn a lot but we will also promote our school , region and country among the European countries .

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