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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

JOB SHADOWING IN FINLAND AND ITALY : Saint Michel de Château Gontier in Mayenne has organised a mobility project for teachers in Finland and Italy for a period of 5 days ( travel not included) Four teachers of Philosophy, Social and Economical Sciences, French will stay a whole week in the Istituto Renato Cartesio di Olevano near Rome and five teachers of Biology, Maths, Physical Education , French and Englsih wil stay in Ruovesi at 200 kms in the north of Helsinki. The aims of the project are to : - understand the educational system of the partner country. - observe courses in the taught subject ( 8 to 10 courses during the week ) - understand the problems linked to teaching and how it is changing. - bring back good practises in his /her own country. - deliver to the colleagues what has been observed or analysed. A fewactivities are organized in the foreign school: - Meeting with the headmaster to understand the educationnal system and the organisation of the school - Some job shadowing in th class to understand the visible part of the job and some mmetings to understand the invisible part of the job ( work preparation, assessment, other tasks .... ) A contract mentionning the duties of the partner schools and the participants is established Out of a team of 76 teachers of the college lycée Saint Michel, 18 will participate to the job shadowing project on the two first years. We reckon that at least other teachers will enter the project in the years to come. We do believe that dissemination of good practises will have a large impact in our school, thanks to the international experiences.
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