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Języki obce przepustką do rynków Europy
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the framework of the implementation of the project "Your ticket to European Markets” the modern languages teachers from The Pope John Paul II Secondary School in Krotoszyn will take part in a two-week training courses in English, German and Spanish. The training will be held in Malaga, Freiburg, Scarborough, Oxford, Cork and St. Julians within the period from July to November 2016. The draft provides the reader with the achievement of the following objectives:1. Raising qualifications and language skills of employees 2. Strengthening the European dimension of the school and its international coverage 3. Increasing sensitivity to the diversity of social, linguistic and cultural areas 4. Introduction of innovative teaching methods 5. Encourage students to a continuous education and lifelong learning (formal and non-formal)The project will be attended by 7 teachers. They include: the school’s Principal and a History teacher, Religion (1 person), a German teacher, professional subjects (1 person), English and Chemistry (1 person), professional (2 persons), Physical Education (1 person), electrical trade 1 person). Teachers will take part in the following training courses:1. Spanish language-2 people 2. German language-1 person 3. English language-4 persons Before the start of the implementation of the project the individuals who participate in training will be chosen on the basis of criteria such as: experience in running international projects, knowledge of foreign languages, taught subjects, education, interpersonal characteristics. The participants complete a survey, which will be referred to in their training needs. Then the appropriate courses and language schools are selected.The design team shall be set up, which will include a coordinator and key employees. This team will create a European School Development Plan and write a grant proposal.After the funding is approved the preparatory actions will start, including the logistics of the enterprise (accommodation, transfers).The participants will prepare in terms of language improvement, through courses and self-study, as well as the cultural aspect. The school prepares to establish an international cooperation in preparing a list of schools that can be visited while abroad, as well as hotels and restaurants, in which students could be offered placements.In addition there is a need to be prepared for ideas on educational projects that can be implemented through an international cooperation. The mobility of participants will be monitored through daily transmission of short reports to the Coordinator and Director of the school. At the end of mobility, a summary report will be prepared. School teachers will disseminate knowledge about the project in the course of meetings and workshops for other teachers in their school and the throughout the county. They will provide information on the opportunities for financing projects from the Erasmus Programme to establishing an international cooperation between schools.After the end of the mobility of teachers will organize extracurricular activities from a foreign language and vocational education, workshops with a range of selected competitions conducted in foreign languages, integration camps with the participation of students and teachers from foreign schools. They will also introduce students to educational classes and extra-curricular culture of the countries in which they stayed.After the end of the mobility project evaluation will be carried out. The project will be achieved by the following results: 1. Development of language competence of teachers, in this respect, the knowledge of the Spanish language, which until now was not taught at the school. This will lead to the improvement of language skills among students, especially in the aspect of specialised language.2. Introduction of pedagogical innovation. Develop the school’s curriculum with professional language in German and English, as well as Spanish. Language lessons will introduce the General and vocational education. In addition, you will be placed on integrated content and language learning (CLIL) in terms of objects.3. Development of international cooperation. It is hoped that an international cooperation will be established with at least two foreign schools and two restaurants and hotels from Spain 4. Increase the management skills and knowledge at the of the school5. Increasing the knowledge about the culture of the EU among the teachers of the school and its students. The project will have the following long-term effects: increase opportunities for school graduates within the European labour market, will contribute to establishing the idea of continuous learning,strengthen the sense of belonging to the European Community of students and teachers- at the same time positively affecting the understanding of universal values, such as openness, tolerance and respect for cultural and social diversity of Europe.

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