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„Język angielski narzędziem rozwoju szkoły"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project “English language as a tool of school development” is to improve linguistic competence both of the teachers and school management, to modernize teaching methods, increase students' awareness and motivation to learn foreign languages and to give the process of teaching European character.Eight teachers are engaged in the project (foreign language teachers, the teachers of vocational subjects, ICT and PE teachers, a maths teacher – the head teacher and a boarding school teacher). The choice of these teachers enables us to raise the level of teaching during English classes and to introduce the elements of English while teaching other subjects including vocational subjects as well. Moreover, it will increase the possibility of realization and participation in a wide range of international projects.The project is aimed at the teachers since their knowledge, experience and drive may bring educational success. During the process of project preparation teachers formed a 'steering group' responsible for defining: EPRS, project objectives, the rules of management, the implementation, evaluation and dissemination of this project.The trainings courses chosen by the teachers will take place in the UK, Ireland and Malta, which will result in a great diversity of experience and considerable broadening the teachers' minds. During the training foreign language teachers learn new teaching methods used in the EU, expand their vocabulary and improve pronunciation. The other teachers acquire language skills necessary for effective communication in English, such as: speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing. Teachers also learn new methods of activating and motivating students. New techniques of foreign language teaching may or rather should cause better language learning among students and their better results in tests and examinations, both internal and external.The school focuses on teachers' professional development, it is open to a modern approach to teaching and learning process and a practical use of ICT in teaching to young people. Thanks to the mobility of our teachers, Forest Technical School will gain the title of European School, which also may increase the attractiveness of our school and place.What is more, all activities related to the project will enhance the competitiveness of our graduates at the labour market both within the country and abroad. Our students will also have better and solid foundation for personal and educational development (also in other EU countries) in the future.The action plan related to the implementation of the project “English language as a tool of school development” can be summarized in the following points:1) Linguistic, methodical, cultural and logistical preparations aimed at the teachers going on training.2) The creation of an English version and presentation in English on our school website.3) The participation of our teachers in language and methodological training abroad.4) An organization of special staff meeting in order to promote the project objectives among all the teachers working at the school.5) Preparation of lectures and presentations to students in order to introduce them to the whole training abroad, give the students information about culture, customs and everyday life of EU citizens where the training courses took place.6) Preparation of bilingual lessons for other teachers not involved in the project both in our school and other schools in the region.7) The introduction of new methodology into everyday teaching.8) Making new on-line contacts with foreign teachers for international co-operation, including exchanges.9) The Dictionary of Forestry, in three languages compiled by students and teachers in co-operation.10) The European Day of Foreign Languages with numerous foreign language competitions checking language skills and the knowledge about EU countries.In connection with the dissemination of the project our school would like to achieve long-term effects and benefits such as: -acquisition and/or development of linguistic competence among teachers,-learning and a practical use of new teaching methods,-improvement of teaching and learning results,-a significant increase in external examination pass rates,-shaping pro-European attitudes among students and teachers,-sharing the concept of lifelong development and learning,-international contacts and exchange of people, experience and knowledge.
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