Search for European Projects

Jean Monnet Chair in European Economic Integration and Energy Security
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed Chair would build on existing teaching and research programmes of the Centre for European Studies as well as Energy Studies Programme at JNU. Being India’s major trade and investment partner, the EU has a significant economic presence in India. Still, most policy makers and business elite have relatively little understanding of internal dynamics of the EU economy. Despite perceptions that the EU and India hold opposite views on global norms concerning energy security and environment, both are facing similar challenges. These include diversification of energy mix and sources of supply. The post-graduate courses on “European Economic Integration” and ‘Energy Security in Europe” provide deep understanding of internal European dynamics on these issues to future policy makers in India. The proposed Chair will further disseminate teaching and research findings on these issues through networking with think tanks, civil society organisations and other universities in India. The main objective of the proposed Chair is to improve Indian understanding about contemporary European integration project and energy security which may result in positive EU-India ties. The Centre for European Studies is already an established and a leading Centre for EU and European studies in India. While explaining contemporary economic and financial difficulties in Europe, the Chair would also raise awareness about strengths of European integration project. Exposing Indian scholars and policy makers to European perceptions of energy security and environment will help promoting bilateral cooperation in resolving global challenges. Apart from teaching, major outcomes would be a dedicated website on EU developments in economic and energy related areas which are of direct concern to India, brief commentaries by Indian experts on European affairs, young scholars workshops, national seminar, talks and roundtables on policy relevant issues.

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