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Start date: Sep 30, 2014, End date: Sep 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project: " What will be the school of the future like?" starts on the 30th September 2014 until the 1st October 2015. There will be six teachers of the Technical School of Hotel Management and Catering Industry attending. These are the people responsible for the development and promotion of the school. Additionally, in accordance with the Development Plan of the school, they use the knowledge of foreign languages and modern information and communication technologies (ICT) to apply for EU funds, conduct additional classes, start international cooperation, promotion of the school in the country and abroad, and to pursue extracurricular activities for students. The school is the largest of its kind in the region, it employs 100 teachers and 1,100 students study there. The priority of the Technical School of Hotel Management and Catering Industry is the development aspirations of the youth, providing knowledge and skills, and prepare to find their place in the modern world. The project is realized as part of "Staff mobility" in the area of school education it results from the SWOT analysis and the European School Development Plan. Main objects of the project are: - To increase the participation of teachers in the external forms of education; - Promoting language learning and linguistic diversity through practicing language skills of participants in a real situation; - Promoting intercultural dialogue, developing a sense of tolerance and understanding of diversity ; - Improving the competence and skills of communication, cooperation, reaching compromises by participants as citizens of the European community and initiating and cooperation of another nationality; - Adaptation of curricula to the needs of diverse European society and the modernization of existing teaching methods; - Improving the quality of work facilities at school by creating a friendly space to students, employees of ZSG-H in Torun and the people supporting the school , which may contribute to reducing the share of early school leavers . The main activity of the project will be implemented on the 5th September until 9th September 2015. Institute EduKarjala (Joensuu / Finland). There will be a workshop about European curricula and preparing modern curricula. The participants of the training will compare the education systems in Europe. They will also discuss the issue of students and staff friendly architecture. During the course, participants will also discussion the role of technological tools in the school of the future and new teaching and learning environments. They learn tools that help to implement the process of innovation at school and are equally useful for everyday teaching practices. Participants will discuss the experience and methods, which are used in Finland, especially, in terms of absence of students at school. There is also a meeting scheduled with a local architect specializing in designing schools. Evaluation talk about whether the school is just a place of education, or something more? What kind of furniture inside does the modern school need? What is the role of the environment in which the school is located? What the students want to do during breaks ? As a result of all the activities taking into account the phase before the mobility before, during and after mobility, participants in ZSG -H in Torun make evaluation Attendance Improvement Programme. When evaluating they will use the experience and knowledge acquired during the training . The forms of the upgrading the school architecture will be discussed and applied to change learning process in regard to curricula, innovative teaching methods. They will also discuss modern teaching aids, the role of teaching staff and school management . It will be very important to secure partners for future international projects Erasmus + or eTwinning. The school will add the experience gained and acquired competences of participating in a project to develop a strategic plan for the institution in the future. They will have long-term impact on the modernization of the facilities and improve the quality of its work: building a European society (modification of curricula with European content, international cooperation), reducing the share of early school leavers (modification Attendance Improvement Programme in ZSG -H, create a welcoming space, the use of innovative teaching methods and modern tools), to take international cooperation, the popularization of foreign language learning. This effect will be applied not only to education staff, but also students, support staff and administration, and the local environment .

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