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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is designed for 72 pupils of hospitality, tourism and gastronomy. Each group will be under the supervision of one teacher. Trainees will be held internships in 4 * and 5 * hotels in MaltaStudents of upper classes will be selected for training because they have already gained considerable professional experience during placements at Polish hotels and restaurants and will manage to cope with all tasks given in Malta.We think that learning is not just theory, but above all practices which are the best way to gain a high-quality qualifications. The students will work at the reception, restaurant, hotel bars, housekeeping, services rendered on the hotel beach and the hotel's spa.Needs of the projects:-developing competencies and professionalism in hospitality, tourism and gastronomy-getting new experience, knowledge and skills in latest techniques and methods of work that students will gain during placements in Malta-better chance to get a job on European labor market-support of trainees in getting experience abroad-overcoming all kinds of barriers such as language, cultural, as well as having boldness at work in interpersonal relationships-respond to changes associated with the development of the tourism industry and catering-quick adaptation to expectations of employers and changes on labor market Aims of the projects:-developing of foreign language competencies and especially professional English-learning the basis of Maltese language-professional development of trainees and quality of services rendered by them-learning of self-reliance and resourcefulness-learning of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding-acquaint with culture and customs in Malta preparation to active and responsible participation in social, cultural and economic life in local, regional and international context-creativity and entrepreneurship, courage in communication in foreign languagesThat will help them easier to find a job in an international environment in the future. In Malta they will certainly show that they are solid and good at work, that it is worthwhile to appreciate them and employ in the future.Periods of placements:2016 1st group/October2017 2nd group/April, 3rd group/June, 4th group/September, 5th group/October2018 6th group/AprilThe criterion for selection of candidates for departure will be a degree of English proficiency, manners, good grades at school and from apprenticeships, as well as activity in school. Additional points will be awarded to students in difficult financial situation and students from surrounding rural areas. Girls and boys will have the same opportunities during the recruitment process.After internships students will return home more mature, self-reliant, confident, enterprising and creative. They will also gain skills how to solve various problems. Internships will help them find themselves in profession, appreciate it and like it. It is important to learn patience, be tolerant and know how to work in a group.All trainees will get Europass-Mobility documents in Polish and English version and certificates from hotels and our school after completion of internships. The best students will receive references, too. We hope they will also get work offers. All above mentioned documents will be prepared individually for everybody. Our foreign partners are prepared to use criteria according to European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).In agreement signed with HOT&R Consulting will be specified detail criteria and grading scale. Those documents will enrich trainees' CVs and will be passports to their future career.Separate group of Polish teachers of English and vocational subjects as well as Polish employers will take part in evaluation and validation of the project. It will make results reliable.The measure of evaluation and validation will be:-quality of the results achieved on the basis of criteria ECVET-value added evident in the results of comparative language tests taken before training and when students come back-interviews with employers and their views on the progress made-results of questionnaires filled out anonymously by participants of internships. They will be drawn up after each stage of the project and cover the quality of project management, courses (pedagogical, cultural and linguistic) supervision during work and leisure-number of trainees who started studying or received attractive jobs-number of graduates who left for work abroad -more candidates for placements abroad and their better grades-more pupils eager to continue education in our school.These results will accumulated by practical training manager.Dissemination of the project will take place:-at ZSG-H and other schools - lectures, workshops, photos in showcases in the hallways, leaflets-on Facebook, on the school and other websites-in Maltese and Polish press-among friends and families.
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