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Its All About the Food - Food, Politics, Activism
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "It is all about the food - Food, Politics and Activism" was held at the Marsaxlokk Activity Centre run by Agenzija Zghazagh. The project consisted of a multilateral exchange held over a period of 6 days, involving 5 countries. The participating countries included Finland, Norway, Austria, Ireland and Malta, as the hosting country. 41 youth between the ages of 13 to 17 years participated in the youth exchange. A number of participants were vulnerable young people, including youth with challenging behaviour difficulties and/or coming from disadvantaged areas, such as farming communities, remote areas and socio-economic deprived localities. As the name of the project suggests the primary theme of the exchange was about food. In line with this thematic focus, the project aimed to create more awareness on the issue of food consumption, by promoting cultural gastronomy and empowering young people to go beyond the passive role of consumers by taking active interest in the cultivation, production and distribution of food. The project aimed to consolidate young people`s knowledge and understanding on ethical issues in the area in order to promote sustainable and non-exploitative practice. By enhancing young people`s awareness of legislations, regulations and policies governing the food industry, the young people were better equipped in bringing positive change to how food is cultivated, produced and distributed. Thus, apart from acting as a platform for making new friends from other countries and promoting teamwork, the aim of the exchange was that of introducing young people to different life styles and cultural practices within a European dimension. The project aimed to link the pleasure of gastronomy with a commitment to one`s community and the environment in the rationale that young people can access and enjoy food that is good for them, good for those who grow it and good for the planet. The methodology was utilised during the youth exchange included a combination of non-formal learning methods such as icebreakers & energizers, interactive workshops, teambuilding activities, inter-cultural events, hands-on experiences, informal leisure and evaluation and reflective sessions. As a result of the project the participants are aware of the strong connections between the plate and planet, and the impact that our food choices have on the well-being of the environment and society. Participation in the project should encourage the young people to lead a healthier and more ethical lifestyle, whilst becoming active citizens rather than passive consumers. Moreover, the project helped in encouraging young people to become more involved in decision making in their respective communities, thus sustaining the European democratization process.
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