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Италианският опит в биологичното земеделие
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Unfortunately Bulgaria is one of the European countries with the smallest share of agricultural land cultivated by the principles of organic farming and a small number of organic farms. Organic production has great potential for solving the problems of small farmers and entrepreneurs. Italy - host country of mobility is one of the leading European countries with over 10% share of organic farmland and over 45 000 organic farms.The main objective of the project is to enhance the professional skills and competencies of teachers and students from PGSS Kuklen acquired in Bulgaria through the exchange and practical training in a real working environment in Italy.Specific objectives are:Increasing the professional competencies of users through utilization of the Italian experience in organic farming; Mastering the experience of Italian specialists in production of organic food from planting the crops until they reach the consumer; Acquiring new professional competencies for marketing organic products; Preparing users for professional development on the European labor market.As a result 20 students and 13 teachers will be trained- In the professional sphere, in particular in the field of organic farming. Users will have the necessary knowledge and skills to apply European standards for organic farming in each stage of production of organic products - from soil preparation, preparation of seedlings, planting, irrigation, fertilization, combat natural pests, harvesting, packaging and transport. - In the cultural sphere - participants will learn about the history and culture of Italy, a country with a rich heritage, will learn about the culture of communication and behavior in everyday life and the culture of tolerance and non-discrimination towards people with different backgrounds. Participants will improve their ability to work in a multicultural environment.- In language sphere - participants will improve their language skills in Italian language, thanks to which will be able to communicate with local people during mobility, and in the future with other Italian citizens- In the sphere of EU policies on agriculture and consumers - participants will be acquainted with EU policy for the development of agriculture with respect for the environment and health of citizensPGSS Kulen will improve their image among the local community, as organizations able to work at European level and to provide learning opportunities for their students and teachers in European countries with a tradition of organic farming. This will be a novelty for teachers in PGSS Kuklen, since for them this is the first mobility project exchange in the EU. Puppet Kuklen will increase its capacity to work with European partners in European programs.
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