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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is the first time for our school, the Innovációs Szakképző, Továbbképző Iskola Központ és Gimnázium, that we take part in ERASMUS+ program. While preparing the tender material, and acquiring the receiving companies, our aim was to provide a high quality European professional practice in abroad. We would like to send two groups of students in Milan? - 2015. September: 7 informatics and 8 beautician students - 2016. May: 8 informatics and 7 beautician students All students will come from the 11th grade. The needs of the students are to get to know technologies / services that are not widely spred yet in Hungary but are in Italy (for the beautician students the radiofrequency treatments and the Vadder lymphatic massage, for the informatics the most up-to-date switches and routers). Apart from that they will experience how is it to work and live in an international environment. For our school it is very important to build international relations for future projects and also in order to improve our educational program to reach the high European level. The project has the following long term goals: - Educate marketable workforce for the EU - International relation building - Improvement of our pedagogic and vocational program based on international trends - Popularize the vocational education - Popularize the Hungarian workforce in abroad - Rise the will for mobility within the students and teachers.
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