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İstihdam İçin Kaynak Teknolojileri Eğitimi
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Global industry and trade cause a competitive market. Today, the quality approach starts from the beginningof producing to the end of it also, after production. Furthermore, it covers after-sales service. This period is quality assurance system. Quality assurance approach isa compulsory system like he other productive methods which must be applied before, while and afte production. This approach is also used in welded production welding technology, that is used fo fixing materials, is important in manufacturing. In most countries, fixing materials with welding is very essential technology. The quality of product,safety and stability depend o the quality of welding. So, the quality of welding dependson the qualified employees.Our Project focuses on educating the qualified employes working on machine,medial and recessed-mounted production factories. TR83 is a developing region in indusry and trade day by day. So, ın this region qualified labor is needed to improve the production and service standarts, quality. Thus, vocational schools , the representatives of working places come together and decide to make a Project in order to educate welder who work in medical, recessed-mounted and machine production. THis is a consortium Project leading by Veziköprü Vocational Education Center with the partners of Vocational schools in Amasya, Suluova, Havza, Vezirköprü Gümüşhacıköy region. The name of the Project is “ Education of Welding Technology for Employment”. THe project’s implementation period is 12 months including 3 mobilities to EU members Germany and Holland. Consortium partner vocational schools are Amasya, Mezifon, Vezirköpü, Suluova, Gümüşhacıköy, Havza Vocational Education Centres.In project’s mobilities, 17 participants of consortium in Berufkalleg Ostvest Education Association and Günnemann Grosse GmbH in Germany, 17 participants in RDM Makerspace n Holland will be educated theorically and practically from 30/04/2017 to 20/05/2017 for weeks.Both 3 host associations is working on welding industy. With our Project we are aiming• To improve the international standards of vocational and technical education associations.Overallobjectives of our Project• To educate the qualified welder who will work in medical, recessed-mounted production in EU standarts• To contribute the skills of employees while trying to find jobs.• To awaken awareness to the technical and vocational education of the folk.• To improve the co-operationSpecific objectives• From vocational education associations, 51 participants educating in welding and metal technology departments will be educated about advanced welding techniques in EU education centers.• To provide the opportunity of employment• To improve the percentages of employees who are working in machine, medical and recesse-mounted sector with the education of qualified people• To create awareness of our Project’s topic with conferences, meetings, newspapers and media among the beneficiaries.• To make vocational education associations international standards and improve their qualities• In TR 83 region, with the leadership of our school, we are aiming to increase co-operation between vocational schools and sector.

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