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ISI – Innovation services dans l’industrie

The ISI project aims at sustaining competitiveness of European industrial SME on the market. It is based on the results of a project developed within the 5th Programme Framework. This previous project individuated in services’ development an adequate tool in order to innovate products and by this way maintaining the competitiveness of industrial SMEs. In order to help industries to realize services the ISI project is aiming at developing a vocational training module and tools. The method proposed is based on a large use of ICT and is represented by a pedagogical play which will enhance the capacity to develop services, available on paper support, on CD Rom and on line. The project results will be represented by modules and tools to innovate products by services development. This pedagogical method will be available on paper version, CD Rom and on line. In order to reach target groups the valorisation will be conducted by the network of partnership. A web site, conferences, brochures, and commercialisation of the pedagogical play will be developed for this scope. The partnership will also participate to thematic action of European Commission. The primary beneficiaries of the project will be industrial SMEs; secondarily target group is represented by trainers working within industry.
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4 Partners Participants