Involve Parents - Improve School. Concepts and materials for fostering the participation of parents in school life with particular emphasis on families with an immigrant background
Involve Parents - Improve School. Concepts and mat..
Involve Parents - Improve School. Concepts and materials for fostering the participation of parents in school life with particular emphasis on families with an immigrant background
Success at school continues is highly dependent on the home. Accordingly, thosechildren, whose parents have a low schooling profile, and especially children fromimmigrant homes, will have poorer educational opportunities. Promoting parentalinvolvement in school life, especially intensifying the involvement of parents with animmigration background, has been up till now a marginal topic in Teacher Educationand In-service Teacher Education in Europe. There is a clear need to intensify thesearch for ways to give all parents the opportunity to take up their responsibility fore theupbringing and school career of their children.Because of the diversity among parents, the project partners will share the task ofdeveloping and testing modules which will offer suitable components for school-specificprogrammes to promote and support parental involvement, appropriate to pre-schoolchildren and young people up to the age of 16. The addressees of these material areteachers, in particular head teachers and class teachers, but also other schoolpersonnel working in advisory and support systems. To produce these modules, existingideas and materials from all over Europe will be systematically collated and thenpublished in the form of a synopsis (in English and German and in the other languagesof the project partners) to provide a foundation for the project. The final product willprovide concrete help and instructions to produce school-specific programmes forparental participation and will be in the form of a package of materials, professionallypublished in printed and electronic form, targeted at Teacher Education and TeacherTraining in Europe. With regard to the demographic development in the countries of theEuropean Union, the project will make a sustainable contribution to the continuingdevelopment of Teacher Education and Lifelong Learning. The pre-condition of aimingat improving the involvement of parents from all corners of the population in school life isthe mutual understanding and respect for people from different cultures and it will beencouraged through the material that are to be developed.Working with these materials should also lead to an improvement in schoolmanagement, because an improvement of the parental involvement can only beachieved, if both internal communication in schools and the links to the community areintensified and made more effective.The cooperation between the pilot schools, parents and associations includingemployers association involved in the project will provide a continuing platform for aEurope-wide network to carry on the work.
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