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Investing in Heritage to Regenerate Heritage Cities (INHERIT)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of INHERIT is to increase the capacity of cities to regenerate physically, economically and socially through realising the potential of investing in heritage. It will do this by exploring in depth the experiences of the partners, who represent heritage cities across Europe. The project aims to identify the processes followed and the key factors leading to success. Achievements: Achievements so far In relation to project management and coordination, INHERIT has complied with the required reporting arrangements to the INTERREG Secretariat, both in relation to the regular Progress Reports and Intermediate Financial Reports. Two of the lead partner's staff attended INTERREG seminars on financial management and lead partner management matters. Project Steering Group meetings, attended by representatives of all the INHERIT partners, were held in Gdansk and Gothenburg in 2005, in Ubeda and Belfast in 2006 and in Verona and Newcastle in 2007. At these meetings, partners have discussed matters relating to the overall management of the project and several specific aspects of the work and they have agreed on actions relating to these matters. The work on the identification of best practice in heritage led regeneration has involved study visits to Gdansk and Gothenburg in 2005, to Ubeda and Belfast in 2006 and to Verona and Newcastle in 2007. Partners received presentations on and visited a number of heritage projects in these cities, which are relevant to the project's overall theme. In addition, representatives of Newcastle, Gdansk and Gothenburg have participated in professional secondments to increase the level of knowledge transfer. Queens University Belfast has provided external expertise in relation to best practice and the implications for EU regional policy. Meetings have been held with the lead partners of the CULTURED and QUALICITIES projects, which share common themes relating to INHERIT. The project submitted representations to the EU in response to the consultation on Cohesion Policy and Cities re the period 2007 to 2013. The INHERIT good practice guide and DVD have been prepared and produced. The launch Symposium was held in Gothenburg in September 2005 and approved the Gotheburg Declaration on heritage led regeneration. The INHERIT website went live in December 2005 and has been very well used. It includes general information about the project, full contact details of the partners, several download documents such as the notes of the study visits, the Gothenburg and Verona Symposium Declarations, etc. A common portal to the INHERIT, CULTURED and QUALICITIES projects was set up in March 2006 by Ubeda. In order to increase publicity, a leaflet and poster presentation were displayed both at the SAUVEUR conference in Prague and at the Council of Europe Symposium in 2006 on cultural tourism. The Verona Symposium about good practice in heritage led regeneration was held in March 2007 and attended by 90 people from 16 countries. The project's guidance was presented to the Council of Europe Symposium in October 2007 on heritage and modernity and also to the English Historic Towns Forum's annual conference in the same month.

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  • 43.1%   440 073,15
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants