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inTICgration: integrando TIC en los procesos educativos y formativos de personas con trastorno mental grave y/o patología dual.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

InTICgration - integrating ICT in educational processes for people with severe mental illness and / or dual diagnosis: the project arises from the identified needs in institutions which are engaged in social, healthcare and educational programs, and occupational therapy for people of the target group for: having educational tools updated in ICT support, improving offers and above all, allowing users to use ICT and explore its full potential, without being strictly tied to a limited physical space and time (such as when programs that must be installed on used a particular computer). The ultimate goal is to improve the care and educational opportunities to people with several mental illness and dual diagnosis in day centers, developing a set of ICT applications (apps) for various mobile devices - smartphones, tablet, computer-, with different operating systems -IOS, Android , Windows, macOS- , on-line or off-line, with a software management system with free -php, MySQL- to provide useful tools and better educational services, according with actual meeds and social changes. The project also aims to improve the training of professionals, and the educational tools available. During the project lifetime, users with SMI / DD will be our target group for the analysis of needs, interests, preferences, basic and ICT skills..., for designing the final tools. The professional teams of the 5 partner organizations from Spain , Portugal , Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, educators, researchers , occupational therapists , psychiatrists, specialists in education and ICT, and developers of web-based applications, all of them will participate in the project development. We will analyze and identify the frameworks in 5 areas: maintain and develop the skills to enhance treatment adherence (personal autonomy, and time management) , basic social skills, activities of daily living, cognitive maintenance and labor basic skills development. We will design a platform that will be the technical instrument to ensure correct functional assessment of the user, colleting the contents and difficulty levels of ICT tools, so the resources and designed tools will suit to the needs of each user. The prediction is that this set of resources will be available for the user through a scheduled tablet or smartphone. ICT applications are a tool to support, complement but not replace the therapeutic/educational relationship, that are addressed people that are useful and of interest to them, within our target group.
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4 Partners Participants