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Start date: Feb 14, 2009, End date: Feb 13, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

INTERPRETING SOUND PATHS AND PLACES OF WORDS AND MUSIC Music Review thematic work in places of architectural, artistic and cultural heritage (churches, historic homes, art galleries and museums, sites of industrial archeology, rural crafts, sites of scenic interest, historic sites) that provides the residents of the territories involved possibility of discovering and rediscovering places of common interest. The concerts will be accompanied and narrative recited by interventions related to the history of the place, his birth, ACTIVITIES MUSIC TEACHING AND LEARNING-ARTISTICHE.Laboratori lyrical, musical and theatrical master of high quality. THEATRICAL AND MUSICAL COMPETITION COMPETITION Divided into categories, open to students of schools, academies and conservatories of the territory and non-professional actors who have attended courses in theater. commission Examining the Italo-Swiss, industry professionals, with a closing night awards open to the public. / INTERPRETANDO SUONI E LUOGHI PERCORSI DI MUSICA E PAROLE Rassegna musicale tematica condotta nei luoghi di interesse architettonico, artistico e culturale (Chiese, residenze storiche, pinacoteche e musei, siti di archeOlogia industriale, rurale e artigianale, siti di interesse paesaggistico, centri storici) che offra agli abitanti dei territori coinvolti la possibilita di scoprire e riscoprire luoghi di interesse comune. I concerti saranno accompagnati da interventi recitati e narrativi legati alla storia del luogo, alla sua nascita, ATTIVITA FORMATIVO-DIDATTICHE MUSICALI E ARTISTICHE.Laboratori lirici, musicali e teatrali, masterclass di alto livello qualitativo. CONCORSO MUSICALE E CONCORSO TEATRALE Suddivisi in categorie, aperti agli studenti delle Scuole, Accademie e Conservatori del territorio e ad attori non professionisti che abbiano frequentato corsi di teatro. Commissione esaminatrice italo-svizzera, di professionisti del settore, premiazione con serata finale aperta al pubblico. Achievements: The project concerned the organization of concerts in local churches throughout mountains and lakes located in the area of reference, as well as artistic competitions for Italian and Swiss musicians and actors.

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  • 60.2%   129 081,41
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Switzerland (IT-CH)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants