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Internship in London
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2015, the project “Internship in London“ started a longed-for tradition of internationalization at the Martin-Segitz-Schule, Staatliche Berufsschule III, Fürth. We hope to be able – together with our partner-organization in London – to grant some of our students the possibility of a profitable stay abroad. This annual project is of benefit for all parties involved. For our 2017-flow, we bring 16 participating students to London and hope to be able to further enlarge our efforts in the upcoming years.In our second Erasmus+project, trainees of the IT and media professionals complete a one-week language course and a subsequent two-week internship in a company in their industry.The already good cooperation between our vocational school and the training companies will be improved even further with this project by getting a partner organization – the ADC College in Harrow, London – and the English companies on board. The despatching organization hopes to trigger a boost of motivation for the students, together with incremental competences for students and teachers alike; companies in both countries may get an insight into the working processes of their foreign colleagues; the German companies benefit from this new, cultural facet in their training program. Supporting young people entering the labour market has to include the imparting of intercultural competence. Being able to communicate serenely with international partners, is now no longer a unique selling point, but has already become a basic requirement for survival in the modern labour market in the relevant line of business.Every student of the media and IT professions being trained at Martin-Segitz-Schule can apply for the project. Majority, motivation, language- and social skills are the main criteria for selection. The latter will be carried out in consultation with class teachers and trainers.In the preparatory workshop, or even before, the chosen ones will submit CVs and application letters. These guarantee adequate allocation of internships and the student-centred design of the language-course. In addition, we will coach participants for the project in cross-cultural, linguistic and organizational terms. Students can ask all questions in person or communicate by phone with the project manager; they can swap ideas on the weblog or via email. The accompanying staff of the BIII and coordinators of the ADC College will be available on site at all times. The former are going to visit the students during the language course and every one of them at their internship position in order to be convinced of the quality of student activities or to intervene directly if necessary.From 17 April to 08 May 2017, the three-week project will be carried out in Harrow, Greater London for the third time.The day before their homebound departure, the interns evaluate the ADC College in terms of accommodation, language courses and internships. During the follow-up-meeting the evaluation of the sending institution takes place.The students and their instructors should be convinced of the benefits of the project. We hope to succeed in that aspect by awarding various certificates. The trainees will receive a letter of reference by the foreign companies, a certificate from the ADC College and the europass mobility. This learning-oriented document, completed in an outcome-oriented and competence-based way, confirms the success of learning of the participants.To disseminate the project results we try and use all the media available to us. Those are: the homepage and the newsletter of the BIII, the ADC-homepage and the portal of the ECVET, presentations at instructor meetings, the local press, the vlb newspaper “accente”, in-house publications and the annual report of the neighboring school.Two years ago, the BIII successfully submitted an application for a project with nearly identical parameters as this one (95 credit points). Our first project ran really well. Since we will not embark on our journey to London before April 2016, we cannot make definite statements concerning the success of our second program at this point. So far, everything has been running on schedule and we are confident that our second flow will prove a success for all parties involved. That is why we decided to gradually increase the number of participants with next flows.
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