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Internationalisierung des kompetenzorientierten Unterrichts an der HTL Weiz
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ongoing internationalisiation of the labour market is challenging all the vocational schools, in particular the HTL Weiz. School development requires more tools to assist schools with their developing process of innovative competence focussed teaching methods somehow conntecte with CLIL and in addition international best-practice examples have to be considered. Teaching staff on the other hand needs guidance in terms of critical self-evaluation, input regarding innovative methods and incentives for successful acting.Therfore, the HTL Weiz encourages teaching staff to join this programme which offers the chance of an exchange of experiences with colleagues abroad by job shadowing and visiting schools.Another important aspect is the promotion of international dimension which acts as effective tool on all levels of education and helps to secure welfare in Europe.

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