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Internationalisering - en väg till framgång
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Internationalization - a Road to Success" originated in the ambition of Erik Dahlbergsgymnsiet to focus on internationalization and the fact that we wish to live up to national as well as European objectives concerning well-developed contacts, expertise exchange and collaborative projects with other countries. As many as possible of our students should complete their education and be prepared for future cooperation across the borders of nations and between cultures. School shall also be responsible for all students after completed education have been given knowledge of the requirements for a sustainable development and having the ability to put this knowledge into practice. Keeping this in mind, it is important that our teachers are well equipped with current knowledge and updated teaching methods in addition to different learning strategies in order to help as many students as possible to reach set educational targets, thus decreasing the number of drop-outs according to the EU 2020 Target. Our school also needs to build a network of contacts throughout Europe, that together with the increased mobility made possible through EU financed projects contribute to more students and teachers collaborating with schools outside Sweden. The aims of the project are to improve/increase/build up: -The skills in terms of "Sustainable Development" for teachers teaching different subjects and create opportunity for a multidisciplinary approach in order to get an overall view of different perspectives and subject inputs i.e. a holistic approach -The skills of teachers of English and foreign languages -The skills in English for non-language teachers -Our knowledge in teaching methods and learning strategies from a European perspective -Contacts with schools in other European countries for future joint projects The project has 27 participants, nine of which are language teachers. For these teachers, a stay in the country of respective target language provides a valuable and necessary in-service training. The German teachers will take part in a job shadowing at a school in Germany for an exchange of experience and to get to know colleagues there. We hope to build up contacts for future joint projects. One particpant teaches social studies and wants to improve his/her English skills in order to dare start a collaborative project with English as a working language and even receive international student teachers. The other teachers representing various subjects - technology, programming, natural- and social sciences as well as economics - will receive training in the theme of "Sustainable Development" from different perspectives in order to be able to work with it later back home with "whole-institution approaches". Activities implemented are: -Training courses dealing with "Sustainable Development" from different perspecitves and subjects input -Training courses in English and Spanish -Job shadowing in Germany Results we want to achieve are: -Teachers (representing different subjects) with current and updated knowledge of "Sustainable Development" and technological solutions for the future that contribute to this -Tools helping us to work interdisciplinarily in terms of "Sustainable Development" -Teachers with higher language skills and updated knowledge of the language and country of the target langugage -Increased self-confidence in the teaching situation -New tools in the form of suggestions/ideas to be used in teaching -Courage to start up collaborative projects with English as the working language and to receive international student teachers -Knowledge of and experience in how other European countries organize education theoretically and in practice - what can we learn from each other? -Insight into how teachers in other countries do, and in connection with this, reasons to reflect on our own professional practice -New input and inspiration in participants´subject teams and working teams -New contacts that can be nurtured and built on in order to generate future projects The long-term benfits of the project can be summarized as follows: -Improved, varied and method develped teaching situations in the classroom -Opportunity to better live up to European, national and local guidelines and requirements in terms of internationalization and participation in EU-funded collaborative projects -An organization that to a higher degree has internationalization and "Sustainable Development" as a natural and integrated part -Greater awareness of students and teachers when it comes to global issues and knowledge of sustainable development in particular and the ability to put this knowledge into practice -That the project contributes to the "European dimension" at our school -That more students and teachers will have the opportunity to participate in European projects -Increased motivation by our students to complete their studies i.e. fewer "drop outs" in accordance with EU2020 -Higher achievement for students
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