European Projects
Internationalisation For Albeda Learners and Staff
Internationalisation For Albeda Learners and Staff
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
ROC Albeda College is since 2005 promoting international mobility within the school, both at students and teachers level. The number of selected participants has steadily grown during the years and to optimize the management of mobility flows the college decided in 2007 to establish a central mobility office, responsible for the practical implementation of all the actions necessary to run mobility projects on high-quality standards. Main actors and their roles have been identified, special internal procedures for the selection of participants, negotiations of visit programs (only for teachers and staff mobility) and evaluation procedures have been improved and refined during the years. The Dutch National Agency recognized these efforts with a Quality Certificate for Mobility, obtained in 2009. Albeda's international mobility is one of the actions foreseen in the school's internationalisation policy (aimed to improve the quality of our educational supply) and is based on the so-called "hotspots" structure. Shortly, the college aims to intensify connections with specific countries and cities that, same as Rotterdam, have access to the sea. (Hamburg, Barcelona, Antwerpen, Malta, Izmir). Starting from 2010 there have been efforts to establish stable relationships with schools and organizations from those cities and those efforts resulted in long term collaborations with the partners mentioned in this application form. Yet, the possibility of implement mobilities (both teachers and learners) also in other cities and countries stays. During the project implementation the ISB will try to find hosting partners also in countries other than the ones listed in the application form.
The project aims in sending 195 learners and 20 teachers/staff abroad. These numbers are based on the feedback received by all Albeda's branches which have been requested to make an estimation on the mobility flows for the coming two years.
As already explained in the previous fields, the project is structured in 3 main activities (A1 and A2 mobility for learners; A3 mobility for teachers); project participants will be students and teachers from the following branches:
Lifestyle, Sport and Entertainment
Health Care
AKA (Labour Market Qualified Assistent)
Techniek and ICT Academy
Participation of colleagues from other departments is of course not excluded.
Learners of the Activity1 are supposed to run a two-week program based on a combination of training and teaching activities: the learners (level 3 Sport, Snowboard Instructor/Outdoor Sport Instructor, branche Lifestyle&Entertainment, ) going to Austria and Belgium will follow lessons (theory and practice) in the first week; during the second week they will teach what they learned during the first week to a group of level 2 Dutch students coming over for such purpose. Due to the challenging aims of this two-week program, the presence of accompanying teachers (full-time or part-time) for the whole period is strictly necessary to run the program successfully.
Learners going to UK (level 2/3 Haidresser, branche Lifestyle&Entertainment) will follow haircut lessons in a mode academy to improve their knowledge of the “black hair” procedure which in the Netherland is not part of the educational supply. They will also work in the foreign academy during their stay in UK. Also for this group the presence of accompanying teachers (full time or part time) is necessary
Learners of the Activity 2 will run a work placement program of 20 weeks, except the learners going to Germany (level 2 Leisure&Hospitality, branche Horeca and Tourism) which will run a two weeks work experience program in a German bungalow park. Their tasks will be related to reception, horeca and also maintenance activities. Due to their background it’s often for them impossible to deepen their interest in these topics and to go to other countries during their holidays. Since most of them have never been abroad it will be a great experience that will be used to prepare their national work placement. It's a succesful activity already implemented in the last 2 years. Also for this group the presence of accompanying teachers is strictly necessary.
A group of max 10 graduate learners ( Branche Dance&Music) is also included in A2
Teachers and staff of Activity 3 will run a one week study visit program (see field D)
As with previous mobility initiatives, this mobility project is expected to have a positive impact at participant level (better professionalisation for teachers and staff, better competences and more career chances for the learners) and at organisation level (better knowledge of foreign educational systems and practices, more and more EU-minded colleagues). These improvements can trigger a long-term impact indirectly also on the local community of Rotterdam, being Albeda one of the main training provider of the area.