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Internationale Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der Einführung der deutschsprachigen Wirtschaftslehre am Deutschen Gymnasium Kadriorg in Tallinn
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The German Gymnasium Kadriorg in Tallinn, Estonia is a secondary education school, where we have intensively taught the German language for more than 50 years. On 1.09.2014 we open, in cooperation with a vocational school BBS Syke Europaschule, a new economic discipline in Tallinn, in order to allow students in the grades 10-12 a practical reference to the German language. The innovative idea was formed in cooperation with the former students, parents and school. The goal of the project is to increase motivation for professional mobility within Europe, to increase the inter-cultural awareness of young people and of course to foster the knowledge of foreign language skills. In Estonia, the project is innovative and new, because there has never been offered a field of study in a foreign language in high school at a general education school. It is the first project, where subject-specific teaching in the area of economic management is taught in cooperation with the native German teachers. The first group, which begins in the fall of 2014, consists of 25 students. We want to bring, within the scope of the project, teachers from the BBS-Syke Europaschule to Tallinn, so that the exchange of experience could work even better. During the school year, each student participates in a multi-week internship, which takes place in a German company either in Estonia or in Germany. The company, in which a student makes the internships should be as the same throughout the program or at least have the same profiles (eg transport companies, tour companies etc ). Each student should at least take out one more week internship during the program in a company of his profile in Germany. After the completion of this economic specialization, the students obtain a certificate ( diploma ) that is issued by the Estonian Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Standing Conference of the German states and the German - Baltic Chamber of Commerce . The introductory economic profile is a focus related profile and the fact that the students always do their internships at the company with the same profile, they gain sufficient experience in their profile area and after completion of the program, which will be coinciding with the final exams, they will have sufficient knowledge and skills to enable them to work as an office assistant or a clerk. Our students often learn German language at school for 11 years and then forget the language, which is a great pity. There are of course graduates who continue their studies in Germany, but most have barely living contact with the language after school. According to this certificate, the young people then have a practical reference to the language and can work in an area that they already know.
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