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International Medical School 2020
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

The IMS 2020 Project envisages the creation of a structural network of medical faculties/schools in Europe (and beyond) that will study, learn from and act upon the impact 'internationalisation' has on the following three key issues related with the management and organisation of the institutions: - quality assurance mechanisms, - staff management & training and - autonomy and accountability.Within the structural network, three task forces will be set up, each in charge of one of the specific topics described above and lead by a particular partner institution.While in the course of the contract period (3 years) each task force will develop its own agenda and activities, the project management will see to it that sufficient interaction takes place through specific information mechanisms, joint activities, annual events, etc.For each Task Force, specific staff members from the partner institutions have been appointed. The summarized work plans of the task forces are described below and differ slightly depending on the subject matter. The main outputs that will be created through the network can be listed as follows: - QA Task Force (Leader: CHE Consult): Comparative Study & Analysis in view of Toolbox Development (Year 1), Identification of Best Practice and Toolbox Development (Year 2), Dissemination, Valorisation, Implementation and Promotion of the Label 'International Medical School' (Year 3).- Staff Management & Training Task Force (Leader: Charité): Train the Trainer Programme for Intercultural Awareness & Language Training (Year 1), Multiplication at Partner Institutions (Year 2), Establishing Training Centres at the Partner Institutions (Medical Faculties) (Year 3).- Accountability Task Force (Leader: Paris V): Comparative Study on Strategies (Year1), Identification & Implementation of Best Practice (Year 2), Evaluation, Valorisation and Promotion (Year 3).The action will trigger off substantial impact not only for the partners directly involved in the project, but also for the multiple short- and long-term target groups. Major achievements envisaged towards the end of the contract period are the promotion of a standardized quality label for 'International Medical Schools' across the continent and beyond, better trained trainers & staff at internationally oriented medical faculties in Europe and more autonomous and accountable medical faculties across Europe which will constitute a driving force and play an exemplary role for peer institutions.

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8 Partners Participants