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Internationaal professionaliseren en doorontwikkelen op de KSG
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International professional development at the KSG The ‘Koninklijke Scholengemeenschap’ has chosen internationalisation as one of its main objectives to help students develop the skills required for a future in an increasingly internationally oriented context. To provide the teachers with the skills to help achieve this objective it is important to enable them to participate in an international environment. To keep up the current high standard of second language education as is common practice in the Netherlands, and to be able to teach a subject in a second language, demands language acquisition and maintaining knowledge at a high level. Moreover, there is a clear need to set up an increasingly more varied exchange programme to suit the diverse needs of different students. We are requesting funding for the professional development of 23 teachers, this involves language development as well as a combination of developing language and learning new didactic approaches. To set up a more varied exchange programme we will need to get in touch with possible partner schools in person. For the costs we will incur when doing this we also request funding for 23 teachers. The participants will prepare thoroughly and will document this preparation in a study contract. After their training they will offer evidence of their progress by putting a report in their skills’ portfolio. Besides this, they will present the outcomes to their colleagues. This way the KSG can continue to develop and, as a result, ensure that its students grow up successfully in an ever more internationally oriented society.

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