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Internacionalización, modernización, dinamización y apertura de la práctica docente.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Sant Vicent Ferrer belongs to the Network of Quality and multilingual network of Valencia. Our school has a faculty with many definite and highly motivated.We are aware that education and training play a key role in the Europe 2020 growth strategy European countries should be intelligent, sustainable and inclusive. Education is seen as the engine for growth and employment, therefore one of the specific objectives of the Erasmus + program is to improve the knowledge and skills of the participants in their actions in order to achieve the strategic objectives ET2020.This project will help to meet these strategic objectives, in which the need for traditional systems are transformed to become much more open and flexible, so that students have individual learning curricula adapted to their needs and interests it is implicit and promote equal opportunities throughout their lives. With the above references and with the goal that our teachers and students to achieve the competencies and skills established in ET2020, we propose the following objectives:Improve your language skills in English language in experiencing their cultural and social environment.Participate in training activities in order to learn new methodologies (CLIL, collaborative work ...) and the use of non-formal learning techniques to prevent dropout.Be able to adapt to work in multicultural and interdisciplinary teams.-Provide To organize a European and international profile.-Afianzar Creativity and innovation as necessary references to quality education at all educational levels.-To Know other educational systems and other teaching-learning methodologies which will improve the quality of their teaching, combat school failure and promote inclusion, equality and equityImproves ICT skills for the use of collaborative platforms, e-learning, provide new educational resources to the modernization and international opening of the center.To know tools for the validation of learning outcomes.To acquire more motivation and satisfaction in everyday work.To acquire the skills to participate in an active way in the development plan of the center.The project will enable 19 teachers for 2 years conducted training and job shadowing, implementation of CLIL, new technologies and new methods of teaching methodology. This training will achieve the objectives described above.The project was carried out between several school teachers interested in improving their language skills, ICT and apply new methodologies in the classroom to combat school failure, improve inclusion, meet new models for European certification and be in touch with other institutions European ...Several companies have been selected to organize training courses in the UK, Malta and Ireland who have extensive experience in organizing them and have a wide range that meets the needs of the center.The Erasmus coordinator perform a shadowing in ItalyThe selection of participants will be open by the CIC. All staff will be informed early in the process and may apply for participation in it.Teachers participate in training courses to improve language CEFIRE competence and knowledge of the eTwinning platform. Throughout the project will be used eTwinningDuring the two years of the project workshops will be held at the center, micro CLIL sessions, sessions on collaborative learning methodologies and non-formal.seminars will be organized on Erasmus +He will participate in conferences organized by other entities (unions, associations, other schools, conferences organized by other entities (unions, associations, other schools, Ministry of Education, etc.) to disseminate and exploit the results of the project. The teachers receive Europass mobility certificate and a certificate of training hours to carry out the Department of EducationThe evaluation of the quality of the proposal will take place quantitatively, through questionnaires (questionnaire platform Erasmus + and questionnaires completed by the middle program) and qualitatively through personal interviews to measure and evaluate the actions in each one of the project phases.The project is directly linked with the 2020 strategy and the EU strategic priorities and its Member States to generate higher employment, productivity and social cohesion.

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