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Interkultureller Austausch
Start date: Oct 25, 2015, End date: Oct 24, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe has not only changed his political landscape and his politics, but also the possibilities in the international labour market. The terrain for education, for labour possibilities, for meeting other cultures has enormously increased. In our school we want to react to these facts. But we –as the teachers- need intercultural skills as well to be able to give competent help, to animate young people in an effective way, to manage and organize European projects. Refugees, immigrants are changing the Austrians demographie, too. They have got a voice, they give questions to us, they bring a great variety of culture with them. Therefore the political and cultural jobs have changed. So we need a professional management training, we need to come together with other teachers of other European countries. An exchange among the students can be managed in an easier way. And the teachers make experience with ideas of other countries. At the same time our teachers have the opportunity to meet potential project partners and plan with them school exchanges , e- twinning or job shadowing. So the goal of the project is an improvement of intercultural skills and project management skills for us teachers. We are three teachers, who want to participate: We are willing to attend training courses abroad and we have sufficient language skills. We want to spread the European idea to colleagues and students and integrate the European idea in teaching. With the training courses intercultural competence shall be implemented in lessons and with the project management skills of teachers European projects shall be institutionalized. The expected results, effects and potential long-term benefits: We want to spur on our fantasy in developing interesting European projects and activities with our students. The seminar experience will hopefully boost the motivation for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation and the work at the school with European projects will be more effective. The training will enable teachers to inspire our teaching staff even more for European projects, and to use the project work as a means to expand the students‘ intercultural, language and social skills. By expanding these skills our students will be better prepared in the future for the demands of the European and international labour market. They have to be motivated for projects and actions to get an open mind for Europa. We want to broaden our language competence. We want to be an activ part of European cooperation. We want to get in contact with other European schools and organizations, people. We want to get good ideas of accompanying young foreign students. We want to be a multiplier of an European idea. We want to infect the surrounding of the school: the parents, the village, the friends, the politicians of the area. We want to connect people of different religions, countries, cultures. We want to act for the idea of an open Europe and realize European exchange projects. Teachers (participants of the project) I am working in the area of culture: At school I am teacher of art. Beside that I am working for a theater of Vienna (Volkstheater) as a theater pedagogue (I lead more than fifty half-day workshops/year in different kinds of higher schools), lead drama courses, creative courses in some Europe countries, lead drama courses for highly gifted students, with others I established a small theater in our village, worked in a so called “Workshop for social health”, where we worked with classes with difficult social problems. I also hold two creative-projects with Rumanian orphans and street kids. The other teachers teach languages (French, English, German). The organized exchange projects with France. They teach, too, in an organization for higher gifted students and have organized interesting projects with writers, musicians, artists of drama. They are also training other teachers.
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